HIV Young Leaders Fund Eligibility
Funds for NGOs Last date 10 March 2017
Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH
Eligibility: Only youth-led organizations or youth-led projects (these can be within a larger organization or a new initiative) focused on serving young key populations are eligible for funding. Youth-led means that the organization, initiative or project is coordinated and governed by young people under 30 years of age. Proposals, which clearly demonstrate a team of young people, share decision-making responsibilities and leadership will be prioritized. Organizations that receive funding must be registered as non-profit organizations. Non-registered groups can also apply for a grant but they must have a registered fiscal sponsor. These groups must also have a written agreement with their fiscal sponsor outlining the terms of the sponsorship. Applying organizations and initiatives must be based in a developing country as per the OECD list. (To check if you country is on the list please go to: List of ODA Recipients 2014 final.pdf) HYLF highly encourages applications from organizations / initiatives led by young key populations affected by HIV. Ineligibility:The following groups are not eligible for funding: individuals, for-profit organizations, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral institutions. Youth-led organizations that have an operating budget of over $100,000 are ineligible. Non-youth-led organizations which have youth-led projects applying and whose annual organization budget exceeds $250,000 are ineligible. You cannot serve on HYLF’s Community Review Panel (CRP) and also apply for funding as the leader of a project or organization. Organizations represented in HYLF’s Supervisory Board cannot apply for funding.
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