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Religion and the Global Framing of Gender Violence - Columbia University

Funds for NGOs Eligibility: Journalists from any country Last date 15 March 2017

Activities: Others

Call for Proposals for Reporting Grants on Religion and Gender Violence

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2017

Religion and the Global Framing of Gender Violence
At Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Social Difference
Focus: Middle East
Start Date: September 10, 2017
Duration: 2-3 weeks
Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Social Difference (CSSD) announces a competition for reporting grants for Media Fellows who will join a new initiative on “Religion and the Global Framing of Gender Violence.”  Supported by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, this project seeks to bring together an international community of scholars, practitioners, journalists, and activists to study the role of religion in naming, framing, and governing gendered violence, with a focus on the Middle East and South Asia. For more information click here.
Program Description:Over the past couple of decades, violence against women (VAW)––or more recently, the expansive term “gender-based violence” (GBV)––has come to prominence as a highly visible and powerful agenda across a range of local, national, and global domains. By embedding gender violence in a complex matrix of international norms, legal sanctions, and humanitarian aid, the anti-VAW movement has been able to achieve a powerful international “common sense” for defining, measuring, and attending to violence against women in developing countries, particularly during conflict and post-conflict situations. Here, religion (sometimes in the guise of ethnicity) is regularly linked to gendered violence, entire religious traditions sometimes accused of promoting “cultures of violence.” The crucial question of how religious difference intersects with the VAW/GBV agenda has hardly begun to be considered. Why and when is religion invoked in global responses to VAW/GBV?  What categories of the religious become seen as credible and acceptable, and are empowered as anti-GBV actors? Who pays a price and who benefits from the ways religion is used to frame global understandings of VAW/GBV? This program seeks to work with promising journalists who want to go beyond or look behind the powerful "common sense" that assumes a straightforward relation between gender violence and religion. 
Requirements:The Reporting Grants on Religion and Gender Violence provide journalists with the dedicated time and resources to research and produce innovative media stories to reframe understandings of religion and gender violence. 
• As part of the grant, journalists selected will be expected to write at least one feature story about religion and representations of gender violence, or about particular newsworthy issues related to interventions against gender violence. The focus in this grant cycle is on the Middle East.
• The work of the Media Fellow will begin with participation in the project’s September 2017 international academic workshop in Amman, Jordan. This is to be followed by a 2-3 week residency in the region. Fellows can be based at the Columbia Global Center in Amman, which will provide office space and assistance with local contacts and research. 
Dissemination:Proposed projects must include a credible plan for broad dissemination of the resulting work in U.S. and/or European news media, including demonstrated interest from editors and/or producers. The credibility of a distribution plan is generally most evident in an applicant’s track-record. Letters from editors and/or producers who have worked with you in the past, and are interested in working with you again, are encouraged as part of the application package.
• Journalists from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply.
• Professional journalism must be the applicant’s primary profession.
• Applicants must have three or more years of professional journalism experience with a strong background in reporting on gender issues. 
Funding Details:
• The total grant amount is $5000. This includes a stipend of $2000 and up to $3000 in reimbursed expenses for travel, visa, and accommodation connected with the fellow’s participation in the workshop in Amman in September 2017 and the research stay in the region that follows.   
How to Apply:
Applications must be received in English.
Applications include the following:
• A description of the proposed project, including dissemination plan, in no more than 250 words.
• Three samples of published work, either print, broadcast or digital.
• Phone number and email address of two professional references. Letters of recommendation are not required.  
• A copy of your curriculum vitae with current contact information.
Deadline:  March 15, 2017
Submit electronically to Joya Hajra
Project Coordinator, Religion and the Global Framing of Gender Violence

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