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GLMA Lesbian Health Fund Call for Proposals - India and other countries

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Health/Nutrition

Lesbian Health Fund Call for Submissions

The Lesbian Health Fund (LHF), a program of GLMA, is currently accepting applications for the Spring LHF Grant Cycle. The deadline for receipt of applications is May 1, 2017.

The mission of the Lesbian Health Fund is to improve the health of lesbians and other sexual minority women (SMW) and their families through research.

In honor of the victims of the Orlando shooting, the Spring cycle will give preference to funding research focused on societal and domestic violence affecting sexual minority women and girls.

Research Areas

While many areas in the field of lesbian health need more attention, here are the areas which we believe are especially important for improving the health of lesbians, other sexual minority women, and their families.

Understanding social, family, and interpersonal influences as sources of stress or support
Eliminating inequalities in health care, including barriers to care, and improving quality of care and utilization rates
Development and testing of interventions to address mental and physical health needs of lesbians and other SMW, including but not limited to depression, identity related issues, eating disorders, substance abuse, obesity, cancer risks, cardiovascular disease and sexually transmitted infections
Sexual and reproductive health, including family & parenting issues
Methodology:LHF funded research, whether qualitative or quantitative, is well grounded with solid methodology, and is in dialogue with the existing body of literature in the field. However, there are particular challenges associated with conducting research in a small and often difficult to access population of lesbians and other sexual minority women. Going beyond the need to simply “fill in gaps in the literature” will require developing innovative research methodology.

Presentation & Publication:It is expected that the results from LHF funded studies will be published in peer-reviewed journals. LHF also requires a presentation of original research finding to be made at either the GLMA Annual Conference, or at the Women In Medicine Conference. Research budgets can include up to $750 to subsidize travel costs.
Future Research

LHF grants typically range from $10,000 - $20,000. Many applications are for small projects structured to provide pilot data for subsequent research. In order to leverage the impact of our investment, priority is given to the best proposals with the greatest likelihood of securing future funding from other sources.

Click here for information on how to apply, or for a list of previously funded grants.

GLMA and LHF Board Members or paid consultants are ineligible to submit grants. 

If you have any questions regarding this process, feel free to call (202) 600-8037 ext. 304, or email us at

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