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Belgian Peace Building Grants - India and other countries Last date 30 June 2017

Funds for Indian and International NGOs

Activities: Others

Belgian Peace Building Grants : 

1. In accordance with certain thematic and geographical policy priorities, projects in the
field of peace building can be funded. The concept of ‘peace building’, as well as the
objectives and scopes within which a project proposal must be situated, are set out
in the annex 1 to these guidelines.
2. The funding of such projects constitutes an instrument of the Belgian foreign policy.
This instrument is used in combination with the other (financial) instruments
available. Double financing of projects is by no means allowed.

3. The projects should preferably have an added value on the ground. Seminars,
conferences, congresses, publications, training etc. will only be funded in exceptional
cases, on condition that they reinforce the thematic policy priorities.
4. Particular attention is paid to initiatives that reinforce local capacities and
institutions. Moreover, local partners should be consulted from the conceptual phase
of the project onwards, and take part as much as possible in the implementation of
the project. The diplomatic posts too will be asked to assure a follow up to the
5. Any possible financing will take place only if a detailed project proposal is introduced
along with a detailed earmarked budget.
B. Competent service
6. Service S0.1 – Policy Planning, Peace Building and Support to Mediation - is the only
service competent for receiving and treating project proposals. Its coordinates are: 
Guidelines update 20160201
Grants in the field of Peace building-guidelines
S0.1 – Policy Planning, Peace Building and Support to Mediation
FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
Rue des Petits Carmes, 15
B-1000 Brussels
Email :
7. All project proposals, whether they are introduced by the organizations, our
diplomatic posts, services at the head office or by the Foreign Affairs Policy Unit, are
to be sent or transmitted to the Service S0.1 which will function as ‘one-stop shop’.
From the reception of the project proposal, the Service S0.1 will be the contact point
for the further handling of the project.

C. Submission of project proposals and other documents
8. Each project proposal will be submitted by e-mail and in two printed copies.
9. Project proposals can be submitted at any time but preferably between 1st January
and 30th June. Projects submitted at a later date are a priori less likely to be
approved in the course of the relevant budget year.
10.Taking into account of the different steps in the procedure, it is recommended to
submit a project proposal six months before its planned starting date. This would
enable a timely payment.
11. For any project proposal, the soliciting organisation will receive an acknowledgement
of receipt, indicating in the first place whether or not the proposal is admissible (cfr.
also points 21-22). S0.1 will ensure that, in case the project proposal was not
presented directly to S0.1, the entity that has transmitted the proposal (e.g. a
diplomatic post, geographical service or policy unit) is kept informed about the
evolution of the dossier.

D. Admissibility of the requests
12. A project proposal may only be introduced by:
 International or regional organisations, whether or not partner institutions of
multilateral cooperation;
 Belgian, foreign and international NGO’s and associations, nonprofit making and
with a legal status;
 Universities, higher education and other research institutions.
13. Private persons or commercial companies are not entitled to submit any proposals in
their own name, although they can be put in charge of the execution of a project. In 

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