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Wildlife Acoustic Small Grant Program Last date 15 May 2017

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

Wildlife Acoustic Small Grant Program

Wildlife Acoustics’ mission is to support efforts in conservation and environmental stewardship. We want to enable those involved in animal biology, research and conservation to do their best work easily and quickly. To that end, Wildlife Acoustics has established a grant program to support bioacoustics research efforts from chiropteran, avian, terrestrial, amphibious and marine wildlife, to everything else in between.

Every quarter, Wildlife Acoustics will be giving away up to $5,000 of product* to grant recipients worldwide. If they choose to make the results public, recipients will also have their work featured on our website and social media channels.

Grant recipients must be associated with a charitable, educational or other tax-exempt organization**. Consideration will be given to projects that meet the following criteria:

Project makes significant use of bioacoustics for data collection and/or analysis.
The work advances scientific knowledge and contributes to long-term conservation.
The grant award would have significant impact on the success of the project.
The grant request provides adequate information to evaluate the project, including detailed expected outcomes and use of bioacoustics data to support those outcomes.

The project should begin in the year that the application is submitted, or in the following year if the application is submitted in the off-season.

Deadlines   15 May  2017 for this quarter and 15 August 2017 for next quarter

Questions? A number of answers can be found on the FAQ tab. If you can’t find an answer there, please send an email to

For detailed information visit the following link

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