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Ekhagastiftelsen Foundation Health Grants Criteria

Funds for NGOs Last date 20 May 2017

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

Ekhagastiftelsen Foundation invites applications from organisations around the world for promoting human health.

An application to Ekhagastiftelsen must consist of three documents:

All three documents have to be sent together in an e-mail message to
A printed and signed application form has to be sent by regular mail to our Post Office Box.

Application deadline is May 20th 2017, which is the day we must have received the application (including the form sent by regular mail - postmarked date is not valid). Applications must be sent by mail to our Post Office Box. NOTE! Messenger or courier services can not deliver to Post Office Boxes. If you want to deliver the application personally or by courier, please contact us by e-mail or by telephone (+46 70 240 81 81) at least one week before the deadline.

The application can be made in Swedish or English, but it is probably an advantage to write in Swedish if possible.

Every year an updated application form can be downloaded from our website - see link in the right column of this page.

The summary of the project has to describe the application in a popular scientific way, meaning that you should not need to have detailed knowledge of the subject in order to understand the application. It is also important to describe in which ways the project contributes to public health, why the application is relevant for Ekhagastiftelsen and how it matches our prioritized research areas. For example how does the application contribute to improving the self-healing capabilities?

Detailed instructions on how to fill out the application form are available in a separate document that can be downloaded - see link in the right column of this page.

The information from the application form is also to be entered into the application data sheet (Excel-template) that can be downloaded - see link in the right column of this page.
Note! The application data sheet must be sent as an Excel-file in Excel-format (.xlsx or .xls)!

The following aspects should be described in the project description:

» What problem or which question is to be solved/answered? Which idea or vision is to be tested or further developed?
» What is the hypothesis?
» Goal or purpose/aim
» How it the project relevant with respect to the aims of the foundation?
» Present situation, current international knowledge/research (including references) and conclusions.
» Material and methods
» Expected results and their importance/significance. How are the results to be evaluated? How will the project be documented and disseminated?
» Time plan 
» Budget and information about financing from other organizations.

At the end of the project description the qualifications and references of the applicant and co-applicants should be stated, especially within the area that the foundation supports. This is often done through a C.V.

The project description including any appendices and supplements has to be sent as one (1) PDF-file.
If the project description is sent in any other data format or as more than one file the application will be returned.

The project description must include a section that describes why the application is relevant for Ekhagastiftelsen, how it matches our prioritized research areas and in which ways the project contributes to public health.

Information about our budget requirements can be found on the page Budget.

For applications that do not come from Europe or North America we require that the project has a cooperation with a swedish institution. The swedish partner must be involved in the research project, and the details of the research cooperation must be described in the project description.

Ekhagastiftelsen can award grants to projects where the foundation is one of several funders. Usually the foundation does not support projects where our contribution would only be a small part of the total budget.

In the application form the applicant has to state information regarding grant received or applied for at other organizations. In the project description the applicant has to further elaborate this and for example answer some of the following issues and questions:

» How is a project/subproject interrelated when funds are applied for at Ekhagastiftelsen and other organizations for the same research area? What is Ekhagastiftelsens role/part of a larger funding?
» What happens with the project if requested funds are not granted by Ekhagastiftelsen or other funders? Does the project need to receive financing from all funders in order to be carried out?
» If grants are applied for at both Ekhagastiftelsen and other organizations and all applications are approved, can the funders contributions be reduced as the project has received more funding than needed to carry out the project?
» When the project is already ongoing, for what/which parts is it that funds are sought?
» What other funds have already been received and what have they been used for?
» To write that you are glad for and can make use of any amount received is not a relevant answer. (actually heard from an applicant).

There is no maximum amount that can be applied for. Please note that in the last years the total amount awarded has been in the range 5-10 million SEK. Usually between 10 and 20 projects receive funding each year. The largest amount ever awarded has been 1 500 000 SEK (for the complete application - not for one year).

If it is evaluated that the project can manage with a reduced budget, it can be that such an amount is awarded. If a grant recipient receives funding from other funders for the same project Ekhagastiftelsens grant can be reduced.

Information on how awarded funds are paid out can be found on the page Request funds.

Applications are evaluated and prioritized by our scientific advisory council. Based upon the council's recommendations, the board takes decisions on awards of funds at its meeting in the fall (usually September-October).

Prioritization criteria are:
» The relevance of the project idea with respect to the aims of the foundation.
» The framing of question for the project
» The scientific quality of method and execution, including the applicants competence for the project and the time plan and budget presented.

The most important evaluation criteria is the relevance of the application with respect to the aims of the foundation. For detailed information about Ekhagastiftelsens aim and prioritized research areas see the page Ekhagastiftelsen - Purpose of the foundation.

Below we want to make some clarifications regarding relevance.
» Research in animal husbandry is not a priority, unless there is a connection to the quality of the animal products.
» Research regarding the environment is of lower relevance for the foundation. Support can be relevant to the extent as this has a positive effect on the capacity of the agricultural system (organic matter and biodiversity) in the long run to deliver ecosystem services that can reduce the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers as well as securing the quality of agricultural products.
» Regarding the medical field, it should be mentioned that the founder Gösta Videgård repeatedly expressed a certain distrust of mainstream medicine. What he reacted against was particularly the use of drugs and medicines containing such agents which in his opinion could not be considered natural.
» Gösta Videgård was opposed to artificial substances and poisons of all kinds.

Ekhagastiftelsen has a restrictive attitude towards scientific research where clinical animal testing is used. This does not mean that such research can not be funded by Ekhagastiftelsen, but such research must have high relevance with respect to the aims of the foundation and not be able to carried out without animal testing.
Visit the link below for further information: 

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