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Request for Expression of Interest Odisha Forestry Sector Development Project -II

Funds for Indian NGOs

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

Expression of Interest (EoI) is invited from Non Government Organisations (NGO) of national repute with prior experience in implementing projects related to participatory forest management / farm forestry / bio-diversity conservation / livelihoods enhancement / institutional capacity building etc., to be engaged as Partner NGO at Division level and to facilitate in the implementation of OFSDP  II through VSS at the allocated Field Management Unit level. 

OFSDS, Forest and Environment Department.
Odisha Forestry Sector Development Project –II supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is being implemented in 12 Territory Divisions and 2 Wild Life Divisions of Odisha.
Expression of Interest (EoI) is invited from Non Government Organisations (NGO) of national repute with prior experience in implementing projects related to participatory forest management /
farm forestry / bio-diversity conservation / livelihoods enhancement /institutional capacity building etc., to be engaged as Partner NGO at Division level and to facilitate in the implementation of OFSDP – II through VSS at the allocated Field Management Unit level.
Interested NGOs may download the details of “Terms of Reference (ToR) and the Application Form” from EoI along with required documents, as sought for, shall be sent through a closed
envelope super scribed as “Expression of Interest for Partner NGO in OFSDP- II” accompanied with a Demand Draft for Rs. 2000/- as application fees in favour of Project Director, OFSDS, payable at
Bhubaneswar and should reach The Project Director, OFSDP, SFTRI Campus, Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar- 751029, latest by 31.05.2017 at 5.00 PM. If NGO intends to apply for more than one DMU, Separate
EoI for each DMU with application fee in shape of Demand Draft should be submitted. EoI received after the stipulated date & time will not be entertained.

Canvassing in this regard will invite disqualification of the EoI.
Deputy Project Director, OFSDP

For further info visit:

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