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John Dillon Fellowship Last date 31 August 2017

Fellowship for Agricultural Research

Activities: Education

John Dillon Fellowship

The John Dillon Memorial Fellowship was established by ACIAR in recognition of Professor John L. Dillon’s life-long support for international agricultural research. The Fellowship scheme serves the memory of John Dillon by providing career development opportunities for outstanding young agricultural scientists or economists from ACIAR partner countries who are involved in a current or recently completed ACIAR project. 8-10 Fellowships are offered annually.

The Fellowship aims to develop leadership skills in the areas of agricultural research management, agricultural policy and/or extension technologies. This is achieved by providing exposure to Australian agriculture across a range of best-practice organisations involved in research, extension and/or policy making.

The visit programs are tailored by negotiation between ACIAR and the selected Fellow to meet the needs of individual Fellows and their employing organisation. Arrangements for the Fellowships will be flexible, and the following points are intended to indicate features of the program:

  • Fellowships normally involve a 5-6 week period in Australia.
  •  Fellows are hosted by 1-2 Australian organisations (such as a Federal Government Department, a University, a Cooperative Research Centre or State Department of Agriculture) where they spend at least 50 % of their Fellowship period.
  •  Fellows participate in a formal research management training course in Australia.
  • Fellows undertake a structured program of visits to various institutes, including the presentation of relevant lectures.
For further information visit:

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