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Cultural Protection Fund Small Grants

Funds for NGOs
Last date 21 July 2017

Activities: Others

The Cultural Protection Fund is now accepting applications for small grants (up to £100k).


How to apply

1. Applicants must first complete our online expression of interest form  in order to confirm eligibility. Applicants are advised to send in the expression of interest as early as possible in order to allow sufficient time between confirmation of eligibility and the relevant application deadline. 

Applicants are advised to read the application guidance document available to download below before sending an expression of interest.

2. Applicants who have received confirmation of their eligibility are then invited to complete our online application form  . 

3. In addition to the application form, applicants must also complete the project budget template and project plan template available to download below and upload to the online application form, along with the required supporting documents. 

Application process timeline:

Small grant decisions are made on a quarterly basis in December, March, June and September. 
There is no deadline for Expressions of Interest but Expressions of Interest must be received well in advance of the application deadline in order to provide time for our feedback to be considered and a full application developed.
Deadline for applications Approval meeting
21st April 2017 June 2017
21st July 2017 September 2017
Any questions?: The Cultural Protection Fund is administered by a UK-based team, not by the local British Council offices within our target countries.  All queries, expressions of interest and applications are therefore handled by the UK-based team.  If you have any questions about the application process after reading the information on this website, please contact us on

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