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Conservation Workshop Grants

Funds for NGOs
Last date 1st Aug 2017

Activities: Others

Conservation Workshop Grants fund organizations to train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on local and regional conservation issues. These grants support training workshops with a strong hands-on learning component that will build capacity for people living in WWF priority regions in select countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Organizations may request up to $7,500 for the proposed training.

See below for grant guidelines or click here for a printable version.  (En español)

Workshop grantees© WWF
ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES:Local organizations working in the following countries are eligible to apply. Please note that within eligible countries preference is given to applicants working in WWF priority regions.

Central African Republic
Dem. Republic of Congo
French Guiana
Papua New Guinea
Republic of Congo
Solomon Islands
Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility criteria to be considered for a grant.

Your organization must be registered and have an established presence in an eligible country for at least 3 years (certificate of registration must show organization has been registered for 3 or more years).
Your organization must have a bank account.
Your organization must not have received a grant from EFN in the past 3 years.
The proposed training must include an active learning, practical skills, or field activity component.
The proposed training must take place within one year of submission of the application.
The proposed training must take place at least 90 days after the application deadline.
Administrative costs (including staff expenses) for the proposed training cannot exceed 15 percent of the total budget.
Your organization must submit all required documents by the application deadline.
APPLICATION DEADLINES:All applicants must complete an application by one of the deadlines noted below. The workshop must take place at least 90 days after the application deadline to allow EFN time for review, selection, and processing of the grant.

November 1, 2016
February 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
Organizations may submit an online application at any time. Completed applications will be reviewed on the dates noted above, and applicants will be notified of the results within one month of the application deadline.

The online application requires the following information for the proposed workshop:

  • workshop rationale
  • main workshop objectives and goals
  • description of how the workshop will address climate change
  • course agenda and methodology - this must include an active learning or training component
  • workshop timeline - this should include workshop preparation, workshop activities, and follow-up activities
  • participant selection process - explain why the target group was chosen and what criteria was used to select participants
  • list of participants (if available at the time of submission)
  • short-term expected outcomes  (6 months to 1 year)
  • long-term expected outcomes (1+ years)
  • method of evaluation - describe how you will measure the expected outcomes (i.e. surveys, monitoring, % of reduction in destructive practices)
  • CV or resume for the main trainer and a brief biography for all other trainers
  • detailed project budget (not exceeding USD$7,500)
  • Important Note About Proposals: When filling out your application, we strongly encourage you to evaluate your activities and outcomes closely and describe them in as much detail as possible. Do not be vague. The selection committee is looking for specific goals and outcomes that are achievable and reasonable. We are looking for clear outcomes with conservation impacts that are measurable and clearly transfer knowledge and skills to participants.

Please CLICK HERE to complete an application.

FOR MORE INFORMATION:For more information on Conservation Workshop Grants please review the frequently asked questions document. For other questions, please e-mail us at

The EFN Facebook group is also a great resource to learn about grant availability and other program

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