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Taronga Field Conservation Grants

Funds for NGOs Worldwide
Last date 27 Aug 2017

Activities: Others

Taronga Field Conservation Grants

Eligible countriees: Worldwide
Last date: 27 August 2017 

Supporting vital conservation projects around the world:Every two years, Taronga Conservation Society Australia awards funding to projects and programs that demonstrate measurable conservation outcomes in the field — anywhere in the world.

Since launching its Field Conservation Grants in 2008, Taronga has given over $500,000 to dozens of vital conservation programs across the world. Projects that have benefited from a Taronga Field Conservation Grant have helped to protect and regenerate habitats, stop poaching and trafficking of wildlife and reduce conflict between communities and wildlife living side by side.

Taronga is for the wild. As a not-for-profit, Taronga has an absolute commitment to the conservation and securing a shared future for wildlife and people. Taronga Field Conservation Grants are one more way Taronga is working to achieve that vision.

Global wildlife and habitat conservation supported by Taronga
Discover the many valuable conservation projects around the world supported by Taronga, from bee-hive fences in Mozambique to saving sunbears in Sumatra. See them all here

Get funding for your conservation project: Taronga Field Conservation Grants are open to NGOs, community groups and individuals who have a new or established conservation project that could benefit from funding and expert support.

A Taronga Field Conservation Grant will give your conservation project the funds, support and help it needs to create a real and positive outcome for wildlife, habitats and communities.

Apply for a Taronga Field Conservation Grants 2017-2018:For 2017–2018, Taronga will support the best in-the-field conservation programs with grants of up to $20,000 from a total of $200,000. To apply for a Taronga Field Conservation Grant, applicants must complete a proposal that outlines the project, the issues it addresses and the outcomes it will produce.

Download your Taronga Field Conservation Grant application form.

See the full list of application criteria and how to apply for a Taronga Field Conservation Grant

All applications must be submitted electronically to Dr. Monique Van Sluys at

Applications for Taronga Field Conservation Grants for 2017-2018 are now open and close on 27 August 2017.

For further information visit the source link below for further information:

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