Expression of Interest for Empanellment of Agencies for Implementation of Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) Components in Selected Blocks across India Empanelment Project Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India is inviting applications from the non-profit agencies desirous of being empaneled, as implementation partners, for its State Rural Livelihood Mission's (SRLM) flagship program 'Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme' (SVEP). At present SVEP component is being implemented in 40 blocks covering 14 states. It is expected that over a period of next 4 years, SVEP component will be scaled up and implemented in 125 blocks across the country. Expression of Interest is invited from the potential partners for this purpose. The Requirement In order to scale up SVEP implementation, it may be necessary to avail services of experienced field implementation agencies (FIAs) who are promoting/working with rural enterprises Around 242 such implementation partners would be required. As screening and empanelment of 242 experienced agencies requires intensive effort, MORD has hiredservices of EDII for providing technical support to MoRD in the empanelment process. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria for Empanelment as Field Implementation Agency (FIA) - FIA should be registered, non- political and secular in nature.
- FIA should not be black listed by any government department.
- FIA should have at least 2 years of relevant experience of implementing enterprise -promotion related livelihood activities, with the poor, especially in the state for which it is being proposed. The FIA should also have experience in promoting enterprises in the non-farm sector. Experience of working with community participation, in the rural areas, where the FIAs propose to work, under SVEP, would be an advantage.
- FIA should be not-for-profit and should have minimum annual turnover of Rs.20 lakhs in the past two years [as evidenced in the past two years audited/unaudited financial statements], preference will be given to agencies with minimum annual turnover of more than Rs. 100 lakh for the last two years.
- FIA should have preferably worked with a minimum 200 enterprises or members of producer groups.
- FIA should have transparency in financial matters, material handling, benefit sharing and fulfillment of legal compliances and should have processes and people in place to ensure the same.
- FIA should have adequate infrastructure and human resources with respect to the proposed project and should be willing to provide the undertaking for continuing working in the area for the project duration.
- FIA should have domain knowledge of and experience in community mobilization, SHG and Micro-finance, Livelihoods Enhancement, market linkages etc.
- FIA should have experience in forward and backward linkages in NTFP, artisanal products and other rural produce.
- FIA should preferably have worked with the state government in any other project and successfully completed the same in the last 2 years.
Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) reserves the rights to relax the eligibility criteria, if required. Agencies mayvisit for more details and to apply online for empanellment. NB: Since this EOI is sent by EDII, please contact them for any clarifications at |