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Newton Bhabha UK-India Industrial Waste Challenge 2017

Funds for Academic Institutions and Research Organisations
Last date 11 Oct 2017

Activities: Others,Pollution/Waste Mgt

Registration is open for Academic Institutionsand Research Organisations for Newton Bhabha UK-India Industrial Waste Challenge 2017

Registration deadline: 11 October 2017, 23:59
Application deadline: 18 October 2017, 23:59

This call is administered by Innovate UK.
Summary:Innovate UK and Research Councils, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), are investing up to £8 million in projects that use cutting-edge solutions to reduce industrial waste in India.

The aim of this competition is to encourage partnerships between the UK and India. Innovate UK, the Research Councils and the Government of India’s Department of Biotechnology (DBT) are funding this competition as part of the Newton Bhabha Fund.

Projects should address reducing industrial waste and pollution, and improve value recovery from waste using biotechnology in one or more of these 5 sectors:

    municipal solid waste
    paper and pulp
    sugar cane.

The total project grant will not exceed £2 million per project for UK partners. Match funding will be made available for Indian project partners by the Government of India. Projects should last between 30 months and three years.

Projects must include one UK business and one UK higher education institution or research council institute eligible for BBSRC/EPSRC funding. You also need to partner with one Indian academic institution or research organisation. Preference will be given to project consortia that also include an Indian business partner or an Indian urban or other local government body, who would be the end user of the proposed solution.

Additional UK and Indian businesses, research and academic partners are allowed. Either a business or a research organisation (including but not limited to UK higher education institutions or research council institutes) can lead the project in the UK. Only Indian academic institutions or research organisations can lead the project in India.
How to apply

For more information and how to apply please visit: GOV.UK: Newton Bhabha UK–India industrial waste challenge 2017.
External contact
Innovate UK Customer Service
0300 321 4357
Sarah Blackburn
01793 411921
For more info visit the link below:

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Newton Bhabha UK-India Industrial Waste Challenge 2017

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