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Wilbur Niso Smith Literacy Fund for Sub-saharan Organisations

Funds for African NGOs
Last date 21st Sept 2017

Activities: Education

Wilbur Niso Smith Literacy Fund:  The Literacy Fund is open for application. We invite proposals from organisations working or based in Sub-Saharan Africa, undertaking projects to increase literacy levels in young people. You may apply for a grant of up to £2,500 GBP.

We believe that the value of a storybook is equal to that of a textbook and seek applications that make a creative case to increase literacy levels. In line with our wider charitable objectives, we will prioritise proposals which use the broad nature of adventure writing to achieve their aims.

You can see what we define as adventure writing here. 

Deadline for submissions: 21st September 2017
Trustees decision: October 2017
Work to take place: November 2017 – November 2018

Please read the full guidelines, which include eligibility criteria, before contacting the Foundation with any enquiries.

To apply, please download and complete the application form and return to by 21st September 2017.

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