Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B) (S&T Interventions for Societal Benefit) Call for Proposals
Funds for agencies last date 15 sept 2017
Department of Science and Technology KIRAN Division Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B) (S&T Interventions for Societal Benefit) Call for Proposals (2017-18) Department of Science and Technology (DST) restructured all its women specific programs in 2014 and brought them under one umbrella known as “KIRAN” (Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing). KIRAN endeavours to provide opportunities to women in Science & Technology (S&T) domain through its various components including conducting basic research (WOS-A), technology development & demonstration for societal benefit (WOS-B), self/wage employment in Intellectual Property Rights (WOS-C), and so on. Proposal are invited under “Women Scientists Scheme-B (WOS-B)” from women scientists and technologists who wish to utilize their knowledge and temperament to benefit society. WOS-B focuses on projects related to S&T interventions for societal benefit. Such project proposals should address a well-identified societal challenge and deliver possible solutions by way of development of viable technology/technique and/or lab-to-land technology transfer, its adaptation and scaling up. Proposal that are primarily oriented towards basic research & development and those which do not have clear evidence of direct benefit to the society will not be entertained. Eligibility: Women from S&T domain having permanent position/employment are not eligible to apply in this scheme. women scientist of age group 27-57 years having break in their career and interested in addressing a well-defined/identified societal challenge through viable S&T interventions are encouraged to apply under WOS-B. All such applications will be subjected to a rigorous selection process and only the most promising may be extended budgetary support. Project Duration: The project is tenable for a maximum period of three (3) years. Emoluments: The fellowship amount under the scheme is Rs 55,000/- for Ph.D. or equivalent (total project cost not exceeding Rs.30 lakhs), Rs.40,000/- for M.Phil/M.Tech or equivalent (total project cost not exceeding Rs.25 lakhs) and Rs.30,000/- for M.Sc or equivalent (total project cost not exceeding Rs.20 lakhs). The total project cost is inclusive of fellowship of Principal Investigator (PI), Consumables, Travel, Contingencies and minor Equipment(s) but excludes Overheads. Selection Process:The Project proposals received will be examined through internal screening and Principal Investigator (PI) of only such proposals that are ‘screened in’ may be called for presentation before an Expert Committee. The final decision of DST will be communicated to the applicants only after obtaining due administrative and financial approvals. How to apply: DST has started e-PMS (onlinedst.gov.in) for online submission of research proposal. Principal Investigator has to register at this portal and then upload the proposal in the given format. WOS-B Proposal Format is available on e-PMS under KIRAN Division and at DST website. Two (2) hardcopies of submitted research proposal should also be sent to Dr Vandana Singh, Scientist, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi- 110016, by Speed Post. The envelope should be superscribed with ‘Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B)’. Kopi Klokker Rolex Replica Orologi Replica Italia cheap replica watches Last Date of Submission: 15 September 2017.
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