NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Strenghening Grants Amplify Change How to Apply

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others

 How to Apply

Strengthening grants - How to apply

We accept applications in English and French. There is a one-stage process for the Strengthening grant application:

1. Submission of application

You need to apply for a Strengthening grant online via our grant portal. The online application process is easy to use and will automatically save your application as you fill in your details. You can also revisit your application as many times as you wish prior to submitting the application. If you would like to see in advance the application questions you will be asked to complete and the information you will be requested to provide as part of your application, you will be able to download a PDF (coming soon). Please do not send this PDF back to us as we will only accept applications made online on our grant system.

To access the online application form please do the following:

Click on the button: ‘Begin Application'
This will take you through a series of eligibility checks. If you are eligible you will be able to access the online application form.
The online concept note form must be completed online. You will be able to download a PDF of the application at any point during your submission, however this PDF cannot be edited.

Strengthening grant
For further info visit link below 

Tags: Funds for NGOs,Funds for Indian Ngos 

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