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Disney Conservation Fund

Funds for NGOs
Apply 1st Oct to 17 Nov

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

DisneyConservation Fund:The wellbeing of people is deeply connected to the health of the planet. That’s why the Disney Conservation Fund grants support projects with a holistic approach to conservation – blending both scientific research and community engagement to protect wildlife and their habitats.

To date the fund has awarded more than $65 million to projects in 115 countries through its annual grants program.

Please review eligibility criteria for our Annual Conservation Grants program. Submit an inquiry form by the deadline — no invitation code is required for this step. Projects that are a good fit for our criteria will be provided with additional details to submit a full application.

The DCF will accept inquiries for the 2018 granting cycle from October 1, 2017- November 17, 2017 (11:59pm EST)

Annual Grants Eligibility Criteria:The Disney Conservation Fund has a long history of supporting organizations working with communities to prepare for and respond to disasters or conservation emergencies. This year the Disney Conservation Fund is proud to be supporting the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to help carry forward this commitment to helping communities and animals when they need it the most. For more information on how to apply for an IFAW Disaster Response Grant and the program criteria please visit the IFAW website.

Annual Conservation Grants:Organizations interested in applying for an Annual Conservation Grant:

Please review eligibility criteria for our Annual Conservation Grants program. Submit an inquiry form by the deadline – no invitation code is required for this step. Projects that are a good fit for our criteria will be provided with additional details to submit a full application.
What criteria are used to evaluate each proposal?
• The proposal should be cooperative in nature and may have matching funds.
• The proposal should clearly contribute to the conservation of endangered or threatened species in the wild,
their habitats and engage the communities that surround them through community-based education programs
or support sustainable community development projects that assist communities in protecting nature.
• The proposal should build on previous work including an established commitment to a conservation program OR
is well suited to become or contribute to a long-term conservation program.
• The principle investigator affirms that the welfare of the animals identified in this study is not compromised.
Specifically, the principle investigator affirms that:
o Capture/restraint techniques minimize stress and the potential for physical injury or psychological harm
o Immobilization/anesthesia is done under the direct supervision of a veterinarian or other trained
o Exposure to noxious stimuli and presumptive negative effects are minimized with administration of
anesthetic and/or analgesic agents where appropriate
2. What are the priority considerations for the Disney Conservation Fund?
The Disney Conservation Fund gives priority consideration to holistic programs addressing a significant conservation
need (or projects that are part of a program) which reflect:
• Education and community engagement, including measuring results (see below for additional information on
expectations for education components)
• Sustainable development programs directly connected to protecting species and habitat
• Scientific field studies on species and habitats (the Disney Conservation Fund does not fund ex-situ
projects/project components)
• Although the fund recognizes that basic science is a critical first step in conservation initiatives, preference is
given to projects where there is a significant conservation action component

The Disney Conservation Fund supports programs and projects around the world, with programs in 115 different
countries receiving support thus far.
The fund also seeks to support projects taking place in areas where Disney has a significant business focus, including the regions below:
*Note this list is subject to change
We will also consider support for projects focused on species/habitats featured at Disney’s Animal Kingdom or The Seas with Nemo and Friends at Epcot. If you are interested in applying for conservation funding but your project takes place outside of the above priority areas, please contact the DCF team at to share the country where your project takes place and the species you are focused on to see if it may be considered.
3. What is the timeline for Disney Conservation Fund funding?
Inquiry Deadline: 11:59pm, EST, November 11th 

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