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Youth Lead TA Fund

Funds for NGOs, Funds for Indian NGOs
Last date 31 Aug 2017

Activities: Youth,Others

Background: The technical assistance has significant role to play for the development of the organization and often small amount of fund can help community-based organizations to continue its critical work towards addressing the HIV epidemic and SRH access impediments in their respective communities. However, the cost of TA is expensive and accessing the existing TA platform is complicated and restricted to achieve certain objectives. While flexible small scale funding has remained short and challenging due to different factors. Youth-led and youth-serving organizations often face similar funding challenges.

The Youth LEAD TA program was initiated in 2016 with all these reflections as mentioned above and this year we are again pleased to announce the new round of youth friendly TA grant for the YKP-led organisations in the Asia and the Pacific. The component of youth friendly TA here is understood as easier to access with less bureaucratic and complicated steps, flexibility with the TA need, lesser documentation, autonomy of the applicant to select the local/national/community consultant and consistent support from the Youth LEAD Secretariat during the development of TA application and implementation of the program.


To provide financial support and technical assistance in order for Young Key Population-led organisations, networks or groups to achieve catalytic role in their critical works in HIV response.


Components of this TA:Different from the existing Small Grant Support being provided to YKP-led organizations by Youth LEAD supported by RCNF, this TA aims to augment the technical and organizational needs of young key populations-led civil society or community organizations in their existing work. The TA program intends to be catalytic and focuses on addressing the immediate needs of the organization and provide the identified support.

Component #1 : Identify and recruit appropriate short-term local/national/community/youth consultants to provide required support to the organisations.

Area of support :

Organizational development (policy development, website development etc)
Resource mobilization (proposal writing)
Strategic planning
Advocacy activities (policy and advocacy brief, advocacy capacity-building community mobilisation)
Component #2 : Catalytic demand-driven funding to support the critical advocacy, networking, capacity development of YKP.

Area of support :

Organizational development (registration of the informal groups)
Organize critical meetings or workshops
Resource mobilization (fund raising campaign etc)
Advocacy activities (bi-lateral meetings with the donors/governments, campaign etc)
*Note: Both components look similar but the nature of support is different. For instance the registration of organization may require different support than policy development.

What are not supported?

  • Human resource for the implementation including admin cost
  • Long term consultant support
  • Conference travel
  • Individual education
  • Others
Timeframe of TA implementation

The selected TA activity have to be implemented between 15th of September  to  15th of December 2017

Who can access the TA:YKP-led national networks, organizations or groups within Asia and the Pacific.(Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Canada, China, Chile, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Laos, Malaysia Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Niue, North Korea, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam, United States)

*YKP-led refers to led by young people who use drugs, young people who sell sex, young gay men who have sex with other men, transgender populations, and living with HIV from 18-27 years old.

Amount:The minimum amount of request is 1000 USD while the maximum is 2500 USD for one-time engagement. Final amount will be decided by Youth LEAD Secretariat based on the quality and need of the application.

How to access the TA:Any eligible organizations/networks/groups can submit the application  within August 30, 2017 before 12 am Bangkok time. The review of the application will require 1-2 weeks; only shortlisted applications will be invited for the second phase of evaluation.

The application should be submitted to via email.

Evaluation of the Application:The application will be evaluated by the Youth LEAD Secretariat and, if required, external stakeholders. There are no such pre-determined focus areas of the TA support. The rational and contextual need and demand of the applicants become the focus areas of the support. The innovation and sustainability are the required key elements for the application.
For more information visit: 
Tag: Funds for Indian NGOs, Funds for NGOs, Funds for International NGOs, Youth Lead Technical Assistance Fund 



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