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ECOSOC consultative status -NGOs

Activities: Others

Last Month to apply for ECOSOC consultative status in order to be considered by the 2014 NGO Committee (Deadline: 1 June 2013)
1 June 2013 is the last day for non-governmental organizations to apply for Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consultative status in order to have an opportunity to take part in UN deliberations. ECOSOC consultative status is governed by ECOSOC resolution 1996/31, which outlines the eligibility requirements for consultative status, rights and obligations of NGOs in consultative status, procedures for the withdrawal or suspension of consultative status, the role and functions of the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs, and the responsibilities of the UN Secretariat in supporting the consultative relationship. Consultative status is granted by ECOSOC upon recommendation of the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs, which is comprised of 19 Member States. 
Consultative status provides NGOs with access to not only ECOSOC, but also to its many subsidiary bodies, to the various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, ad-hoc processes on small arms, as well as special events organized by the President of the General Assembly. See News and Events for samples.
Currently 3,735 NGOs enjoy consultative status with ECOSOC. See list as of 1 September 2012, PDF.
ECOSOC accreditation is separate and distinct from NGOs who are associated the UN Department of Public Information (DPI). These organizations generally have far fewer privileges to participate in intergovernmental meetings of the United Nations. See list of DPI-associated NGOs as of September 2011 here. See website here.
You can sort and review all NGOs with ECOSOC consultative status in an online database. Access the database here.
There are three types of consultative status: General, Special and Roster. Most new accreditations are in the Special category.
General and special status NGOs are required to submit a 'quadrennial report' every four years. 
The Committee on NGOs reviews new applications for consultative status twice a year, in January ('regular session') and in May ('resumed session').
The Committee does not decide but recommends. These recommendations, contained in one report each of the January and May session, are reviewed by ECOSOC in July every year. See past reports here.
In most cases, ECOSOC decides to approve the recommendations. In very rare cases, it does not.
The deadline for applications is 31 May of the year before the Committee reviews the application.
Therefore the next deadline for new applications is 31 May 2013. The Committee will review those applications in 2014.

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