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Calls for Applications - The Woodrow Wilson International Fellowships

Activities: Others

International Fellowship Program 

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars aims to unite the world of ideas to the world of policy by supporting pre-eminent scholarship and linking that scholarship to issues of concern to officials in Washington.

Congress established the Center in 1968 as the official, national memorial to President Wilson. Unlike the physical monuments in the nation's capital, it is a living memorial whose work and scholarship commemorates "the ideals and concerns of Woodrow Wilson." As both a distinguished scholar and national leader, President Wilson felt strongly that the scholar and the policymaker were "engaged in a common enterprise." Today the Center takes seriously his views on the need to bridge the gap between the world of ideas and public policy, bringing them into creative contact, enriching the work of both, and enabling each to learn from the other. This continuing dialogue between public policy and scholarship makes the Center unique.

In addition to its residential program, the Center conducts research through its programs, organizes conferences and seminars, and disseminates the content of its work and fellows’ research through The Wilson Quarterly, Dialogue (The Center’s radio and television program), and its book publishing venture, the Woodrow Wilson Center Press. The Center invites Fellows to take part in the Center’s conferences, meetings and seminars and to benefit from the wide range of dialogue that takes place at the Center.

Programs and Priorities

The Center accepts policy-relevant, non-advocacy fellowship proposals that address key challenges confronting the United States and the world. Priority will be given to proposals which align with the programmatic work of the Center and can result in work that reaches a broad audience. Within this framework, the Wilson Center supports projects that intersect with contemporary policy issues and provide the historical and/or cultural context for some of today’s significant public policy debates.

While in residence, Fellows will be affiliated with regional and/or topical programs working on issues that dovetail with the Fellows’ projects. Program and project directors often collaborate with scholars in producing policy reports, op-eds, and other short written products and in designing seminars, conferences, and/or meetings related to scholars’ research. Fellows are required to give a Work-in-Progress presentation, an internal meeting where fellows can speak about their work, share ideas, and receive feedback from their peers.

Learn more about each of the Center's programs.

Fellows' Responsibilities



The Center's "scholars in residence" are so in both name and practice. Fellows are expected to be present at the Center and work from their assigned work space on most business days and to participate in appropriate meetings organized by the Center. Fellows are also expected to present their research at internal Work-in-Progress seminars, and to attend the Work-in-Progress presentations given by their colleagues. In addition, fellows are encouraged to offer a presentation of their work publicly, where possible, and/or participate in other Center programming. The Center expects all fellows to seek ways to share their expertise with the Washington policy community. The form of such interaction could range from a deep background briefing for an executive branch agency to an informal roundtable discussion with members of Congress and their staffs.

Eligibility and Application Process

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