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Christensen Fund

Activities: Others

The Christensen Fund pursues its mission mainly through place-based investments in a small number of regions with exceptional cultural and biological diversity. The focus on specific regions reflects both the practical value we see in supporting the efforts of locally-recognized community stewards and custodians, as well as a belief that the regions selected are important to the long term future of diversity on the planet. Approximately three quarters of Christensen’s grantmaking funds is focused within five regional programs. For information about how we selected these regions, and our theory of change

Applyig for the Grant:

If you are planning to apply for the grant you need to go through the documents to understand Christensen Fund, priorities, criteria and the steps to apply for this grant and also to see whether your request for a grant fits into CF .

Because of the high volume of applications that CF receive they plan their grants well in advance. Submitting a request within the timeframes listed below is recommended. If you are considering applying for a grant, here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

•Grants within the regional programs are generally directed to organizations based within those regions or, where appropriate, to international organizations working in support of the efforts of people and institutions on the ground.

•Grant-seeking organizations need to be US 501(c)(3) or a similar not-for-profit organization, government unit, university or museum either in the USA or in another country.

•Grant size is typically in the $50,000 to $100,000 range over one year or two years, with larger grants for longer periods being available generally by invitation only and to previous grantees.

 Deadlines and Areas of Funding Support

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