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Antipode Foundation Awards

Activities: Others

 Applications are invited  for International Awards and International Workshops.

Antipode Foundation Scholar-Activist Project Awards are grants of up to £10,000 to support collaborations between academics, non-academics and activists (from NGOs, think tanks, social movements, or community grassroots organisations, among other places) that further radical analyses of geographical issues and engender the development of a new and better society. They are aimed at promoting programmes of action-research, participation and engagement, cooperation and co-enquiry, and more publicly-focused forms of geographical investigation. The Foundation seeks to fund work that’s mutually beneficial and leads to the exchange of ideas across and beyond the borders of the academy, and builds meaningful relationships and productive partnerships.

International Workshop Awards are grants of up to £10,000 to support radical geographers holding events such as conferences, workshops, seminar series, summer schools, and action research meetings. We encourage collaboration–whether with fellow scholars, research groups, university departments, NGOs, think tanks, or social movements–the building of capacity, and development of community. The Foundation encourages initiatives that are adventurous, that explore the boundaries of established academic practice, and that trespass and disrupt disciplinary (and other) borders.

We’d like to see work that is innovative and original, but more than that we want to fund work that is significant: we’d like to support activities that have implications for praxis, to better understand contemporary political concerns and to develop alternatives. Note also that the Foundation especially welcomes applications from historically under-represented groups, regions, countries and institutions.

It is a policy of the Antipode Foundation not to pay university overheads and indirect costs, or university staff salaries and oncosts. There is an established convention in the UK and elsewhere that grants paid by charities generally cover only a proportion of the work to be done, with institutions finding the remainder from other funding sources. Our grants are exclusively for the promotion and advancement of social scientific research, education and scholarship in the field of radical and critical geography.

 Eligibility Criteria  


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