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EOI:Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Project

Activities: Others


Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Project
Credit No. (4758-IN)

Hiring of Services for process review, documentation and up gradation of Gram Panchayat Management System (GPMS) software          

 [Package No. WB/ISGP/C/008(R-6)]

 Request for Expression of Interest

The Panchayats and Rural Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal, has received a credit equivalent to US$ 200 million from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats Project (ISGPP) in West Bengal, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for “Hiring of Services for process review, documentation and up gradation of Gram Panchayat Management System (GPMS) software”.

1.   The ISGP Project now invites eligible IT / Management Consultancy firms to indicate their interest in providing the said Services. Major scope and content of the assignment would be as follows:

 A.    Total documentation of the existing GPMS Application

The Consultant will go through the details available for the GPMS Application and engage with personnel instrumental in developing and maintaining the application. Consultant will also carry out a due diligence on the functionality and features for the GPMS Application. Following this, Consultant will compile and submit all software documentation of the existing GPMS Application starting from the SRS, Systems Manual, User Manual and Maintenance Manual. The documents would be compiled in English and put up for review by the personnel from ISGP Project and the Computerisation Cell of PRDD for feedback and comments. The Consultant would make necessary updates in the documents to incorporate the feedback and comments received from the ISGP Project and the Computerisation Cell of PRDD and submit them for final acceptance.

 B.    Developing of frames and questionnaire/ checklist for Assessment

The Consultant shall be responsible for identifying and developing instruments and frameworks for review work depending on the information available and the requirements of review design. The Consultant will also be responsible for checking the internal consistency of the analytical instrument prior to actual work. Consultant will develop the required questionnaire/ checklist for assessment of SCAMPI readiness.

C.   Conduct the Process Capability Improvement Study

Consultant shall go through all secondary information available regarding the software development process and interact with the concerned personnel from ISGP Project and the Computerisation Cell of PRDD, and any other stakeholders. The Consultant shall follow the approach and methodology prescribed for conducting the assessment as below:

•Review the current process, identify and collect data.
•Identify improvements to the process and necessary changes to sustain the process capability improvements
•Verify that the improvements will achieve the readiness for SCAMPI as defined, then prioritize and make a guideline for the improvements
•Prepare the recommendations and plan to implement the changes, gather feedback and review the recommendations

D.   Report Preparation

The Consultant shall prepare a draft report of its findings along with the recommendations and guideline of a systematic approach to achieve process capability improvement. The Consultant will also conduct a workshop with the representatives from ISGP Project and the Computerisation Cell of PRDD and share the draft assessment report / gap analysis along with guidelines / recommendations to seek feedback and comments. The Consultant would make necessary updates in the documents to incorporate the feedback and comments received from the ISGP Project and the Computerisation Cell of PRDD and submit the reports and recommendations for final acceptance.

 2.   The firm primarily must have:

 The eligibility criteria for interested reputed organizations are as follows:

i.   Technical:   Minimum 5 (Five) years’ experience of IT and Management consultancy on Software Engineering and Software Quality Certification process to large Public/private concerns.

ii. Financial:   Minimum annual turnover of Rs. 10 crore per year per year during each of the last 3 (Three) financial years and having experience in the field of IT and/or Management Consultancy. Similar work experience with Government Agencies/Public Sector Undertakings and/or in-house capability to develop application software will be an added advantage.

3.   Financial Details and company profile:

Full particulars of the constitution, ownership, organizational structure and main activities of the prospective vendors, including details such as:-

prospective vendors, including details such as:- 

Sl No.
Name of the firm /Organisation and its registered office
Address for the correspondence
Status/Constitution of organization
Registration under Companies Act
At least 3 Years’ Experience in IT and Management consultancy and IT Solutions for Govt. and Corporate clients
Valid ESIC Certificate
Service Tax Registration
Permanent Account Number (PAN)
Currently running IT and Management consultancy assignments for Govt. / Corporate Clients
Details of major assignments undertaken of a similar nature, during the last 3 (Three) years.


4.    The firm will be selected in accordance with the CQS (Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications) procedure set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by Bank Borrower, January 2011 available at

5.     The selected vendor should complete the assignment and submit the deliverables within a period of 6 months.

6.     Interested firms may obtain further information at the address given below from 10.30 –17.00 hours from Monday to Friday.

7.     For details please refer to the Terms of Reference (ToR) enclosed as Annexure-1.

8.     Expression of Interest (along with information indicating qualification to perform the Services) super scribed “Hiring of Services for conducting Process Maturity Improvement Study and Documentation of the entire process of development of the current GPMS software” must reach the following address not later than 30th December, 2014 (5.00 PM).

Project Manager ISGP Project and

Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Panchayats & Rural Development Department.

Millennium City IT Park, Tower - II, 3rd Floor (Unit D), DN - 62, Sector – V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

9.    The EoIs are to be submitted in Hard copy only.

See the attachment for more information.


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