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IPAF Grants Criteria

Activities: Others

Who can apply?

Please note that your community or organization must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for a grant:

The applicant must be an indigenous or tribal peoples’ organization;Not-for-profit/non-governmental organizations can apply if designated by the indigenous peoples’ communities to act on their behalf. Evidence of the Free, Prior and Informed Consent by the indigenous peoples’ communities needs to be enclosed to the application form;

The applicant must be legally registered in an IFAD developing Member State;

The applicant’s headquarters must be located in the country of grant implementation, which must also be an IFAD developing Member State;

The applicant should have an established bank account in the name of the applicant organization;

The applicant should demonstrate internal controls to govern the use of funds.

Applicant should not be implementing an IFAD grant at the time of the application;

Upon approval of project proposals, organizations will be requested to produce documentary evidence of the organization’s financial and control capacity to receive and manage funds, under applicable law, and the latest annual audit of the organization’s accounts or any other external or internal assessment of the organization’s internal controls;

The applicant can submit only one proposal to 2015 IPAF. If an applicant submits more than one proposal, only the first one received will be registered and considered;

For-profit organisations (e.g. for profit cooperatives) are not eligible for funding.

An Indigenous Peoples’ community or organization may ask a legally registered not-for-profit organization, NGO or a local institution such as a local government (municipality, tribal regional autonomous district etc.), to act as applicant and recipient of the grant on its behalf. In such cases, the relationship between the indigenous or tribal community and the entity submitting an application to IPAF must be made explicit in the application form. Furthermore, the applicant must indicate the name and address of the representative of the indigenous or tribal community that will benefit from the project. Evidence of the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) needs to be enclosed to the application form. For more information on the FPIC requirements, refer to the IPAF guidelines.

The Facility WILL NOT consider applications from organizations without legal registration, or applications from individuals applying in their personal capacity.

The Facility WILL NOT consider applications from for-profit organisations, such as for profit cooperative societies etc.

Please note that only projects proposals that clearly/directly benefit indigenous peoples’ communities will be considered eligible for funding.

Note: For information on indigenous peoples in Africa please refer to the following sources:
Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa
Report of the African Commission’s Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Population/Communities
Reports of the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities – Missions to: Botswana, Burundi, Central Africa, Congo, DRC, Libya, Namibia, Niger, Rwanda, Uganda,
Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee (IPACC)
The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
What are the requirements for applications?

All applications must directly benefit Indigenous Peoples in a culturally appropriate, sustainable, and gender inclusive manner and address issues central to indigenous peoples’ aspirations.

Proposed project budget requests to the Facility should range between US$20,000 and US$50,000 and include a minimum contribution by the grant recipient of 20% of the total request from the Facility. The contribution can be in cash or in-kind (such as personnel costs or use of local facilities). The budget should be based on realistic local costs.

Details should be provided on amounts and sources of contribution (including from the applicant organization). Budget MUST be submitted in US Dollars and clearly itemized.
The workplan should indicate how the project would be completed within 24 months from the award date.

Applications are accepted only in English, French, and Spanish.

Applications must include a copy of the certificate of legal registration of the organization under applicable law.
Upon approval of project proposals, organizations will be requested to produce documentary evidence of the organization’s financial and control capacity to receive and manage funds, under applicable law, and the latest annual audit of the organization’s accounts or any other external or internal assessment of the organization’s internal controls.

The complete application must not exceed a total of 15 pages;

Only one application can be submitted by each organization to 2015 IPAF;

Evidence of the Free, Prior and Informed Consent by the indigenous peoples’ communities must be attached to the application form IF the applicant is a not-for-profit/non-governmental organizations applying on behalf of the indigenous peoples’ communities.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications must be received by 6th March 2015, at 24.00 hrs, Italian time zone.

IPAF Grants Criteria

All applications received by the set deadline will be reviewed according to the criteria listed below. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. Applications will be acknowledged within one month of receipt . Once the screening of all applications is finalized and decisions on grant awards made by the IPAF Board, IPAF Secretariat will notify the results to all applicants by email (using the email address they have indicated in IPAFT online registration or in the application form in case of proposal sent by post mail).
The date on which IFAD plans to announce the decision following the completion of the award procedure is July 2015 This date is indicative only, it may vary depending on the number of proposals received.
Decisions on projects to be financed will be made by the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility Board based on the following criteria:

Indigenous Peoples’ Development with culture and identity: How does the project build upon the asset of indigenous peoples’ culture and identity? How does the project take full advantage of indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge, culture, governance systems and natural resources?
Project relevance: Does the application address the needs of the indigenous peoples’ community? Will it make a difference in the community to aid or resolve issues? Can it be replicated elsewhere?
Project feasibility and sustainability: Is the proposed approach practical? Is the timeline realistic and the budget adequate? How will results be sustained after project completion?
Institutional capacity: What relevant skills does the organization’s staff bring to the project? Has the organization succeeded in similar endeavours?
Institutional credibility: What kind of credibility does the organization enjoy within its community and beyond?
Balance of grant portfolio: Providing for a balance of the grant portfolio with regard to geographic distribution, gender and issues addressed.
Monitoring and supervision

The implementation of the projects financed by the Facility will be monitored and supervised directly by IFAD’s regional partners or through other possible forms as decided appropriate by the IPAF regional partner organizations and IFAD.
How to apply for a grant?

All applications must be sent completed using the Indigenous Peoples Assistant Facility Application Form 2015.
Applicants should carefully read the IPAF 2015 Call for Proposals and the Guidelines of the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility prior to completing the application form.
The completed application should not exceed 15 pages. A copy of the certificate of legal registration, under applicable law, has to be attached to the application.
Applications and respective documents have to be submitted online. Download the Quick Steps for the online application.
Only in case of inaccessibility to internet, applications can be sent by post mail to the address below before deadline:

Ms Antonella Cordone
Senior Technical Specialist
Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Issues
Policy and Technical Advisory Division
International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD
Via Paolo di Dono, 44
00142 Rome, Italy
Tel: 0039 06 5459 2065
Questions may be sent by e-mail no later than 10 days before the deadline for the receipt of proposals, indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals.
Applications sent by email will NOT be considered.

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