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Activities: HIV AIDS/SRH,Others

The Elton John AIDS Foundation supports programmes in each of the 20 countries highlighted on this map. The 15 highlighted in red are supported through the UK Foundation; those highlighted in grey are supported through our sister Foundation in the USA. 

By the end of 2008 EJAF UK had supported more than 1,200 projects internationally with grants totalling over £43 million.

In 2005/6 EJAF UK underwent a strategic review of how and where we work. This led to consolidating our work in the countries illustrated here and the development of detailed individual grant strategies for each of these countries in order to better target our funding.

To find out more

Please use the interactive map to click on a country you are interested in. This will take you to a page containing an overview of the country and our work within it, some examples of projects that we have supported, details of our grant strategy for that country and our application procedure.

Organisations/Networks of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)

We are seeking organisations and networks which empower PLWHA, enabling them to play a key role in the state and national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, to develop evidence based advocacy around the needs of PLWHA, to challenge stigma and discrimination, champion PLWHA rights and develop pilot models of care and support either singly or with partners. Programmes should show clear measurement of impact at an individual, household, organisational and/or policy level as appropriate and anticipate how the programme will be sustained over the longer term.  


Addressing the Needs of Injecting Drug Users (IDUs)

Particularly in states officially deemed low or medium HIV prevalence. We are seeking programmes that aim to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on HIV positive IDUs, their partners and families through a range of interventions, including provision of information, harm reduction and drug rehabilitation programmes, access to antiretroviral treatment, psychosocial support and prevention information/products.  Programmes must demonstrate clear measurement of impact, effective and appropriate entry levels for services, and a cost effective process of adding beneficiaries to the programme.  


Programmes for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

We are seeking programmes that, either singly or with partners, are providing access to treatment, psychosocial support, prevention information/products, and legal advice to MSM so they can make informed choices regarding HIV/AIDS, access appropriate treatment and exercise their human rights. Programmes must demonstrate clear measurement of impact, effective and appropriate entry levels for services, and a cost effective process of adding beneficiaries to the programme. They should address ways in which MSM act as a bridge to the general population. 


Addressing the Needs of Women

We are seeking programmes that aim to decrease the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS of women and girls in rural areas, particularly in states officially deemed low or medium HIV prevalence, and to mitigate the impact of the disease on them and their families. Such programmes, either singly or with partners, should include access to information, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, food security, social and economic empowerment.  Programmes must demonstrate impact at an individual and household level where appropriate, effective and appropriate entry levels for services, and a cost effective process of adding beneficiaries to the programme. 


Small Grants Programme

EJAF also operates a Small Grants Programme aimed at Community Based Organisations which, in India, is administered via the HIV Collaborative Fund's South Asia Regional Small Grants Fund. 
Please see their website for more details and how to apply:  

NB All programmes will need to ensure that beneficiaries are central to the design and implementation of the programme and be able to demonstrate their impact on the beneficiary group.


For further information visit:


or write directly to





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