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The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Livelihood,Others

Overview:The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition is an effective mechanism for bringing together the collective intellect of the sector that helps to assimilate innovative solutions, breakthroughs, good experiences and best practices. It helps practitioners to learn from mutual experiences and felicitates innovators. The Case Study Competition is organized annually around a specific theme, under which entries are solicited, assessed and the 10 best case studies are brought together into a Case Study Compendium that is released at the Livelihoods Asia Summit, and the three best case study authors are felicitated.


Pathways to Employability: Lessons for Closing the Skills Gap

With its forecast for the population of India to rise from 1.2 billion in 2010 to almost 1.5 billion in the next twenty years, India will become the world’s most populous country by 2030. Converting this comparative disadvantage to competitive advantage will be the new challenge as also the new opportunity as different countries start to invest in skill development programmes. Leveraging the demographic dividend is a critical consideration and therefore a greater alignment of skill development programmes with the new opportunities is of paramount importance.

Since the job market is biased towards high-skill labour, the creation of jobs for low-skill labour will challenge India. Closing the skill gaps of its qualified workforce will be critical, since labour skill mismatch and shortage could adversely impact India’s economic growth and wage costs. Diversified market led, technology based skills development programmes will need to be invested in to meet up the emerging demand. Given the demographic profile of the region, there is a potential to supply high skilled labour not only within the country but also across the world.

The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2015 invites cases that assess the challenge of building skills and look at ways of skilling India which push industry to new productivity levels. The case should illustrate innovative strategies being adopted in skill development to optimize national and global priorities.

The case study should comprehensively describe the skill development initiative, covering the following:

Socio-economic conditions and needs of the beneficiaries within which the programme was initiated and implemented
Nature of skill development intervention, and strategies of the skill development agency
Impact of the initiative
Factors that contributed to the success of the programme
Critical challenges faced and Issues in achieving scale and sustainability and efforts made through the initiative to address them

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