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The Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition - Process

Funds for NGOs Last date 17th August

Activities: Livelihood,Others

Timeline Dates
 Deadline for abstract submission  17th August
 Announcement of shortlisted abstracts  24th August
 Deadline for final case submissions  12th October
 Announcement of final selected cases  23rd October
 Jury Meet  November 1st week
 Release of Livelihoods India Case Study Compendium and felicitation of winners  11th December


All participants are requested to send an abstract of maximum 800 words of their case studies by August 17th, 2015

Abstracts will be reviewed and a shortlist will be announced on August 24th, 2015

The shortlisted candidates will be requested to send the full case study, not exceeding 5000 words, by October 12th, 2015

Once the final cases come in, they will be reviewed and 10 best cases would be selected

The authors of the 10 best cases will be invited for a presentation before the Jury where the top 3 cases will be selected (tentatively in the first week of November)

The top 3 case study authors will receive cash prizes and a compendium of the 10 best cases will be released during the Livelihoods Asia Summit 2015


All entries should be submitted in English

The case study must not exceed 5000 words (excluding tables)

The initiative written about in the case should be atleast 3 years in operation

All entries should be submitted in a word document, with font Times New Roman (size: 12), line spacing (1.5) and margins (1" on all sides)

All submitted cases must be accompanied by a scanned or hard copy of the declaration form, with the signature of the authors

All cases must be based on real life situations

Applicants should avoid cases already written about extensively

In the event that the case being documented is based on a practice of any institution/ organization, the applicant must take written permission from the concerned institution/ organization and provide a copy of the same

The case must be unpublished at the day of submission and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, even in a slightly modified form

All cases submitted will be the copyright of ACCESS Development Services and may be published as a compendium/ book with due acknowledgement to the author(s)

All entries will be screened for plagiarism

The veracity of the cases may be checked

The decision of the Jury will be final and binding


The competition welcomes entries from Indian as well as foreign nationals

Applicants may be management professionals, practitioners, teachers, researchers, or students

Case entries may have more than one author, but the submission will be considered as one only

Each applicant(s) may submit one case only

Employees of ACCESS and their relatives are not eligible to participate in this competition

Assessment Criteria

The screening of the case study will be based on the following criteria:


Presents a clearly distinguishable problem/issue, presents rich information and encourages discussion /debate.


Overall quality of writing, logical flow and presentation. 

Case relevance, replicability, impact, scalability and sustainability for helping practice / organizations.
For further details visit: 

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