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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants - Vulnerable Communities

Activities: Others

Vulnerable communities

Among vulnerable communities we include the following as a non exclusive, indicative list of special interest groups that we will work with in both rural and urban areas:

Ultra poor families in mixed communities
Dalit communities, particularly those involved with inhuman occupations
Tribal communities fighting for or dispossessed of their land and resources
Disabled people, particularly children
Communities with little or no access to health services
Communities with little or no access to education
Unorganised labour
This fund assists NGOs to consciously design and develop programmes which assist vulnerable communities to build on their strengths, ensure that their rights and entitlements are not usurped and help them deal with the critical factors that make them vulnerable.

Such communities need leadership that is forward-looking, able to generate enthusiasm among the community and able to lead the community towards paths that can help transform their realities. Leadership can emerge in the form of individuals or community organisations. We will fund initiatives that facilitate leadership-influenced change processes either by individuals or community organisations.

NGO initiatives that support development of community leadership and a better understanding of community concerns and their management are also supported. 

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