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Strategic Research Projects within Human Health Science Biotechnology 2015 - Objective

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

Objective:The objective is through the present joint strategic research programme to strengthen and intensify the research effort within the area of human health science biotechnology and to integrate the specific competencies of the Indo-Danish research groups involved. Further, for both countries it is of major importance to provide human health science biotechnology solutions that accommodates the related challenges in a sustainable way.
Themes:Applications for funding of research should be directed towards human health science biotechnology within a theme encompassing chronic-non communicable disorders. The research should link basic biological research and health and disease awareness with clinical research, including epidemiology. The research should aim to develop more rapid and precise diagnostics and better prevention together with new, targeted, effective and personalized medical interventions and care. The concepts of traditional medicine might be included.
Selection criteria and evaluation
DBT and IFD will select the proposals according to their respective institutional procedures and assessment criteria.
Special emphasis will be placed on the added value achieved through the cooperative research and on how well integrated the research project is in both countries. The applicants are encouraged to provide a thorough * Indian Companies as defined by BIRAP, DBT.description of these bilateral aspects. The level of integration of the project in each country is also expected to be reflected in the budget (e.g. including travel expenses, research stay abroad).
Only proposals prioritized and selected by both sides will be funded. The final selection is to be decided by a consensus decision taken by DBT and the IFD by 30. November 2015. The applicants will be notified shortly after the decision has been reached. The funded research projects are expected to start early 2016.

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