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Opportunity Fund - Ineligibility Criteria

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others

Ineligibility Criteria
The following are not eligible for support from the Opportunity Fund:

  • direct humanitarian help and services

  • replicas rolex submarinerm
  • costs of activities that can be planned over a longer period of time (such as conferences) or are long term (more than four months)
  • safety measures (evacuations, legal representation, protection, etc.)
  • awareness-raising campaigns without clear policy targets
  • conferences, training, travel, and scholarships
  • individual help or personal need
  • covering shortfalls in the budgets of long-term projects
Purpose and Priorities:
The Opportunity Fund supports urgent, action-focused grants of up to $15,000 to provide immediate support for seizing opportunities as they arise or making timely responses to crisis situations. While we support the strategic advancement of Roma with a long-term view, this fund will provide short-term support to the field at times when an unforeseen social or political event requires fast action or the adaptation of approaches.

While there are no specific priority areas for support, the Opportunity Fund will support short-term actions (up to four months) in two main categories. To receive a grant under this call, a proposal must fall under at least one of these categories:

  • seizing a window of opportunity for achieving change, including precedent setting at the legal, policy, or institutional level (Actions could also aim to protect good policies or legal frameworks that are under attack.)
  • responses to hate, violence, or politically volatile environments, including responses to hate speech
Applicants should submit concept papers in English. Applications are accepted by:

online application: submit your concept paper, which should not exceed two pages, through the Open Society Foundations Grant Portal Click here  
video application: you can also choose to explain your action by filming a video and submitting it through the Grant Portal (Please note that the video should not exceed 25MB.)Click here 
While there is no prescribed format for concept papers or videos, the following should be included:

description of the context, event, situation, or opportunity that has prompted your proposed action—what has happened unexpectedly?
  • brief description of the proposed action
  • explanation of why an urgent response is needed and how the proposed action is strategic and policy relevant
  • requested budget in USD (Please provide an itemized budget.)
Please read the full application guidelines before preparing your concept paper. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. If you encounter problems during the application process, please contact us at:
Funds for NGOs 

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