Call for Proposals - Water Aid - Climate Finance Iniative - Application Process
Objectives: The overall objective of the Climate Finance Initiative is todemonstrate (by supporting a project or strategy development cycle from inception to completion) how global climate finance can be used to support government-owned and climate-resilient WASH interventions that prioritise the WASH needs of poor people. The WaterAid Climate Finance Initiative consists of: 1. Comprehensive literature review and analysis of climate finance flows to date (complete). 2. In-depth global study and case-study deep dive: Understanding the sector blockages to accessing climate finance (2015/16). 3. Action research in collaboration with governments, key sector players and global climate funds to actively demonstrate the changes needed to ensure climate finance flows are secured for WASH (2017-19). 4. Ongoing briefing series to feed learning and knowledge into the water sector. Application process Consultants may apply either individually or in teams from around the world, and will be reviewed based on staff competencies, record of previous work, quality of proposal and value for money. As a guide, the research is expected to cost between £40,000and £50,000. A detailed budget for the study must be included in the proposal. The proposal should be sent in a single document to with ‘Proposal: Climate Finance and WASH’in the subject, no later than 16November 2015. Proposals will be reviewed and a decision made by the end of December 2015 Download Document Back to Mainpage
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