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Innovative Schemes - Central Social Welfare Board

Activities: Welfare


 Innovative Schemes - Central Social Welfare Board


Developing a healthy partnership with Voluntary Organisations for the welfare, development and empowerment of women in our society has been one of the primary objectives of the Central Social Welfare Board since its inception in 1953. The schemes of the Board are for the most part implemented by Vos. The Board has developed networking with more than 20,000 VO's across. Activities of the Board also involve networking with various state level organizations through the State Social Welfare Board located in 33 States and U.Ts. of the country.  The Central Social Welfare Board provides support to VOs under a variety of programmes in order to facilitate and strengthen their role in empowering women through education and training, through collective mobilisation and awareness creation, through income generating facilities and by the provision of support services. The detailed objectives of each of the schemes of assistance, budgets and terms and conditions of grants are described below. 

Conditions of eligibility for assistance In order to be eligible for grants under the CSWB's programmes, an applicant institution should meet the following: 

a)     It should be registered under an appropriate Act or be a regularly constituted branch of a registered welfare organisation (mere affiliation to a registered body will not suffice for this purpose). 

b)     Office bearers of the institution should not be related to each other. 

c)     The organisation should have completed at least 2 years after registration in order to be eligible for grants from the Board under any scheme, except in the scheme of Family Counselling Centres where completion of 3 years after registration is required. Relaxation may however, be made

(i) in case of institutions in hilly, remote, border and backward or tribal areas;

(ii) in case of those institutions which provide specialised services where these are not available; and

(iii) in case where the need for starting an altogether new service is recognised. This requirement does not apply to branches which have been started by well established national/state level organisations in remote and needy areas. 

d)     It should have a properly constituted Managing Committee with its powers, duties and responsibility clearly defined and laid down in a written constitution. 

e)     It should have facilities, resources, personnel, managerial skill and experience to initiate the activity for which the grant is required. 

f)       Its financial position should be sound and it should be in a position to raise such additional funds, as may be required, to complete the programme for which assistance is given by the Board and in addition, where necessary, to continue to maintain the existing level of services from its own resources. 

g)     The activities of the institution should be open to all citizens of India without any distinctions of religion, race, caste or language. Apart from the above conditions, there are other conditions of eligibility applicable for specific schemes of assistance which are detailed in the relevant sections pertaining to the schemes on succeeding pages. 

Note: Institutions should send completed applications to their respective State Social Welfare Boards. Addresses of State Boards are at Contact us.

 A.      At the time of applying for grants under any scheme the following  documents are to be submitted:

 (i) Copy of the Registration Certificate.


(ii) Copy of Memorandum of Association/Articles of Association/Byelaws of the  institution.

 (iii) Detailed audited accounts of the institution of the previous 3 years. 

Note: Accounts should be of the institution as a whole and not of any single individual programme. 

(iv) Annual Reports of the previous 3 years. 

(v) List of current Managing Committee Members (They should not be related to each other).


(vi) Application form in the prescribed format duly filled in and signed by the  Secretary or authorised office bearer of the institution.

  (All the above documents should be attested by a Gazetted Officer)

(vii) Bank account details of the NGO/VO, along with all contact details including e.mail ID if any

  B. After Utilisation of Grants: Separate accounts, audited and bearing the seal of a Chartered Accountant, in respect of grants sanctioned and released by the CSWB in 3 forms i.e. Receipt & Payment, Income & Expenditure and Balance Sheet, alongwith Utilisation Certificate should be submitted within one month of the closure of the financial year in which the grants are sanctioned/released. Fresh grants shall be released only on settlement of accounts of the previous yer and a satisfactory report of the running of the programme by an authorized officer of the Board, Central or State.  


Innovative SchemesAlthough the Central Social Welfare Board has many structured programmes and schemes for the development of women and children, there are several issues relating to women and children that are not covered by the existing schemes and programmes of the Board. Voluntary organizations working in the field come across problems, which require special interventions. The Central Social Welfare Board initiated the Innovative Programme for providing coverage to such groups of women and children whose needs could not be addressed by existing schemes. Under this scheme an institution is expected to prepare a project proposal giving details of the area, the requirement of the proposed project, areas of intervention, methodology, tools, budget, etc.The eligibility for NGO/VO is the same as for other schemes. There is no fixed budget criteria for this scheme. NGOs/VOs are free to submit a proposal for up to five years listing out activities and budget required for the activities it is planning. 


The format of project proposal should be as per the guidelines given below:-

• Identify area and activity, based on specific requirement of the area and the need of        the people. Area development approach  should be adopted. Efforts for  maximum impact on social evils or issues should be   taken up

 Need and justification supported by basic data

• Target – identify the group for which the activity is proposed to be undertaken, and the number of beneficiaries in the area

Methodology – A detailed plan on how the activity is proposed to be undertaken should be submitted. Apart from targeting specific issues and group of people, a holistic approach for the overall development of an identified area could be undertaken. A mother NGO should be identified and cluster approach could be adopted, where convergence of various schemes could be done for maximum impact or if there are none, State Board should encourage one prominent NGO with good community relations to come forward, and other smaller NGOs should work with the mother NGO. Based on the success of the programme, subsequently the same approach could be replicated in other areas too


Duration – the specific period of the activity phase-wise should be indicated. If the activity is proposed to be a long-term activity, the sustainability has to be emphasized. If short-term, maximum impact should be ensured while preparing the proposal


• Budget – detailed budget showing the recurring and non-recurring expenditure as per the proposed period of the   project. Phase-wise budget should be prepared and submitted with the proposal 

Areas of Intervention

• Counselling services

• Skill development through vocational training

• Awareness / empowerment camps on various issues for women and adolescent girls

• Health service

s• Legal aid services

• Educational courses for drop-out girls / women

• Relief activities for victims of natural and man-made calamities 

• Disaster management No funding shall be given for health and education-related projects, which fall under the mandate of the     concerned Ministries. The target group should be marginalized and vulnerable women and children, senior citizens, adolescent     girls, disabled women and children, victims of man-made and natural calamities and social malpractices. 

Sanction will be given only after receiving a complete proposal with justification and recommendation of the State Board. Release of funds will be made in installments, as in other schemes. The first installment of grant is released after the receipt of Bond acceptance of terms and conditions of sanction letter. Further release will be made after receipt of Inspection Reports of Field Officers, satisfactory performance and settlement of accounts of previous releases.


For proposal submission time and eligility for any further information, get in touch with the Central Social Welfare Board at the following link: 



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