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Early Career Academic Grants

Activities: Others

Early Career Academic Grants:  Early Career Academic Grants are open to early career academics employed by ACU member universities to enable them to participate in a conference held in a Commonwealth country other than their own.

30 grants are available in 2016.

Eligibility:  At the time of application, applicants must be employed in an academic role by an ACU member institution. Applications are open to university staff who are less than ten years from the start of their employment in an academic role. Academic staff who have recently returned to work after a career break can also be considered: applicants to whom this criteria applies should make this clear in their application.

Applicants must not have previously studied, worked or attended an academic conference outside their home region.

Conference participation

The conference to be attended must be a recognised academic conference in a field relevant to the applicant’s area of expertise. The conference must be held in a Commonwealth country other than the applicant’s country of employment. Applicants must give details of their chosen conference at the time of application.

Applications will be strengthened by the applicant providing evidence of the submission/acceptance of a paper or poster, or other communication with the conference organisers.

Travel dates

The grant must be used to participate in a conference between 1 July 2016 and 31 December 2016.

Amount of grant

The maximum amount of each grant is 2000 GBP. Grants can be used to cover travel & visa costs, conference fees, accommodation and subsistence

Other terms and conditions

Applicants must provide a letter of support from their head of department. Successful applicants will be responsible for arranging any required visa. Grants will be paid in a single instalment to a nominated individual at the grant holder’s home institution. Grant holders must provide an account of expenditure and a brief report on how their grant has been spent.

The ACU reserves the right to publish the names of successful applicants on the ACU website and in ACU publications.

How to apply

Apply Here. Applications close on 15 April 2016 at midnight BST.
For further info visit 

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