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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016 Selection Process

Funds for NGOs
Last Date 4th May 2016

Activities: Women/Gender,Others

Application and Selection Process
Who can Apply?
Applicants from, or working in, countries and/or territories in the “List of Eligible Countries”9
, as follows:
• Women-led and women’s rights organizations that are legally registered in the country of
implementation and that have specialized knowledge, expertise and track record of working in
women’s human rights and prevention and/or elimination of violence against women and girls.
• Civil society organizations that are legally registered in the country of implementation.
• Regional/international civil society organizations and networks that have national presence in the
country and/or territory of implementation. In this case, the proposal must be focused on a single
country and demonstrate how the proposed intervention will contribute to national change and/or
capacity development and ownership of national and local organizations in the implementation.
Organizations must also demonstrate that they or their national implementing partners are legally
registered in the country (or territory) of implementation.
• Operational research/evaluation institutions specialized in gender equality and gender-based
• Government authorities at central/national, sub-national and/or local levels, including National
Women’s Machineries and other sectoral Ministries.
Proposals should ideally reflect partnerships among civil society and government. Special attention will be paid to organizations with a demonstrated record of working with local women’s organizations,especially grassroots women’s organizations and EVAWG specialized networks. Proposals from more than one organization or entity as co-applicants must clearly indicate which organization will take lead responsibility for project management and contractual obligations.
The UN Trust Fund will not consider applications:
• Submitted for interventions in countries and territories that are not in the “List of Eligible
• Submitted for implementation in more than one country or territory;
• Submitted by individual UN agencies or by UN Country Teams;
• Submitted by individuals without any organizational affiliation;
• Submitted by organizations that do not have a legal status in the country of operation;
• Submitted by civil society organizations, government entities, or UNCTs currently implementing a
grant from the UN Trust Fund;
• Submitted by an organization that has been a recipient of a UN Trust Fund grant over the last three
years (between 2012 and 2015) unless the organization has been specifically invited to submit a new
application by the UN Trust Fund;
Where and When to Apply?
Applicants are expected to submit proposals online in the form of a brief Concept Note.
Applications can be submitted in the following languages only: English, French and Spanish (please note that while the UN Trust Fund’s Call for Proposal is also available in Arabic, Chinese and Russian,
applications will only be accepted in English, Spanish or French).
For preparation of the Concept Note, refer to the following annexes:
Annex 1: Concept Note Form
Annex 2: Budget Summary
The online concept note application will be available from 24 March to 4 May 2016 at: All information must be entered using the online application software.
The deadline for submission of the Concept Note is 4 May 2016, 11:59pm New York Time (EDT).
Concept Notes received after the deadline will not be considered. 


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