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Call for Proposals - End Violence Against Children

Funds for Ngos Last date 4th September 2016

Activities: Children,Others

The Fund to End Violence Against Children seeks proposals for grants that address the Fund's first priority area - online child sexual exploitation

The Fund accepts multi-year grant applications for up to $1million in English, French and Spanish submitted online through the application portal. 

Applications are available between 12th July to 4th September 2016. The deadline for this round is 23:59ET 4 September 2016. 

Each applicant will be asked to submit the following documents as part of their applicaiton:

[UPDATE] - "Personnel costs of not more than 30%" no longer forms part of the essential criteria. 

[UPDATE] - The deadline for applications has been extended to 23:59ET 4 September 2016

Introduction:Every year, at least a billion children are exposed to violence, while a child dies a violent death everyfive minutes. This epidemic of violence can no longer be ignored.
Agenda 2030 makes an explicit, bold and universal commitment to ending violence against
children, in all its forms, as part of an integrated agenda for investing in children and enabling them
to reach their full potential. In target 16.2 and other violence-related targets of the Sustainable
Development Goals, UN Member States commit to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking, torture and
all forms of violence against children by 2030.
The Global Partnership to End Violence against Children (“the Partnership”) and the associated
Fund will support actions that realize this commitment by supporting those working to prevent and
respond to violence, protect childhood and make societies safe for children.
This work will support the delivery of all other Sustainable Development Goals for children.
About the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children:The Global Partnership serves as a multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder platform to convene, support and coordinate efforts to implement target 16.2 and other targets related to violence against children. The Partnership’s approach is rights-based, child-centered and universal, based on the conviction that violence is preventable, not inevitable.

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