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Scottish Landfill Communities Fund - Scotland

Funds for NGOs Last date 3 Oct 2016

Activities: Others

SUEZ Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to undertake work that is eligible under the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF). 

Applications are considered for the five main areas of work which qualify for funding through the SLCF. These include: Land Reclamation (Object A), Community Recycling (Object B), Public Amenities (Object C), Biodiversity (Object D) and Historic Buildings, Structures or Sites (Object E). To apply for funding under Object F please call SUEZ Communities Trust to discuss your application. 

SUEZ Communities Trust will consider projects which focus on physical improvement at an identified site.  Funding is typically awarded for the purchase of materials/equipment and the appointment of a contractor to undertake the improvement work.  A request for funding for multiple sites or for salaries, running costs, project management or design fees will not be considered.

This page gives brief details of our funding programme and when to apply

For full information please read the application guide:

How much can I apply for? 

Smaller Projects Fund Primary Fund   
Awards between £1 and £20,000 Awards between £1 and £50,000
   Projects must have  an overall cost of no more than £20,000   Projects must have an overall cost of no more than £100,000
      Projects must start within 3 months and complete within 12 months of funds being awarded Projects must start within 6 months and complete within 12 months of funds being awarded
 Is my project in an eligible location?

To be eligible for funding through SUEZ Communities Trust’s SLCF programme, your project site must be in Scotland.
If you are applying for Public Amenity, Biodiversity or Historic Building funding you will need to establish if your project is in the vicinity of a Landfill site or transfer station. 

To find out you can use the screening tool on the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) website.
Who can apply for funding?

To be eligible to apply to SUEZ Communities Trust an organisation must:
Be run on a not for profit basis
Not-for-profit organisations could include community groups, parish councils, charities, community interest companies, sports clubs, community associations, local authorities and voluntary organisations.
Own or hold a lease for the project site with at least 10 years remaining
Projects should be based at a project site which must be owned or leased by the applying organisation.  If your organisation neither owns the project site, nor has a lease with a minimum of 10 years remaining, you are not eligible to apply for SUEZ Communities Trust funding. The lease must be active before any application is made. Letters of intent or draft lease agreements are not accepted.

What is the Contributing Third Party (CTP) Payment?

Before SUEZ Communities Trust can release funding to a supported project we need to receive a payment called the Contributing Third Party payment (CTP).

Please visit the CTP page to get a detailed description of the CTP and how to calculate it.

When can I apply for funding?

 Application DeadlineSmaller Projects Fund Notification DatePrimary Fund Notification Date
  5pm on 25th April 2016  19th July 2016  19th August 2016
  5pm on 25th July 2016 18th October 2016    25th November 2016
  5pm on 3rd October 2016 17th January 2017  17th February 2017
For detailed information visit
NB: Please go through the eligibility of country and criteria before apply 

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