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Palliative Care Development in Africa: Small Grants Programme

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others

Palliative Care Development in Africa: Small Grants Programme
Application Guidelines for 01st September 2016 submission deadline

Background:The Trustees of the True Colours Trust have set aside funds towards a small grants programme for hospices and palliative care providers across Africa to support the development of palliative care. 

All work supported by this programme must adhere to the WHO definition of palliative care (

All funding decisions are made by the Trustees of the True Colours Trust, who meet twice a year to review applications. Applications and approved grants are administered by the African Palliative Care Association. Funding is primarily for one-off projects, with a duration not longer than 1 year.  The size of grants range from £500- £5,000.  

Funding Priorities:Trustees favour support for items which directly improve the patient experience and the standard of palliative care services.  Priority is given to the following, in no particular order:

Training courses for palliative care service providers held in Africa (applicants must supply a  curriculum/ outline of the topics covered, and supply the name of the accrediting body. Funds will be released on receiving the letter of acceptance for the training Institution)
Equipment for patients (e.g beds, wheelchairs). For equipment we will require at least three quotes attached to the application, with the preferred quote indicated and reasons why.
Projects supporting paediatric palliative care services (this could include purchasing toys, integrating paediatric services into an existing programme, developing materials for advocacy, etc.)
Capital improvement costs (such as refurbishing buildings to improve the patient experience, buying furniture, etc.)
Developing small palliative care projects (integrating palliative care components in existing health care services, adapting palliative care models, quality improvement activities e.g Palliative Care standards, developing materials, etc.)
Organisational development (Strategic planning, organisational capacity assessment, staff development, website development, board training and support, team building activities, mentorship support, etc.)
Grants will not be approved for:

  • Attending conferences outside Africa
  • Education courses outside Africa
  • General work with children and young people which does not adhere to the WHO definition of palliative care
  • Individuals 
Trustees are keen to make this programme available to as many organisations as possible; it is therefore necessary that there is a one year time lag between applications from funded projects from the same organization. This means that an organization which has received funding from the small grants programme, will have to wait one year (starting from the date of approval of final narrative report and financial report), before being eligible for another grant.

As multi-year grants will not be considered with these funds, the Trustees will not normally fund salary costs. Per Diems and grants to individuals/governments will also not be considered. Only registered hospices and/or palliative care providers in any setting of care can apply. Grantees will be required to share with APCA any required information related to the grant in a timely manner, for the further development of the programme and other official purposes. 

Applications: The deadline for applications this year will be 01st March and 01st September respectively.  Trustees will then review applications in April and October. Trustees will only consider appeals made by completing the small grants application form which is available here. Should you require additional support or information while developing the proposals you can contact the Small Grants Officer at APCA by telephone +256 312 264978 or email at: or

Please attach all required documents to this application form. Incomplete applications risk not to be considered. You can also download a copy of these guideline here.

Required documents include the following:

  • Copy of registration of your organization confirming that it is a legal entity in the country of operation.
  • Reference letter from the national palliative care association, or, if there is no association in your country, then obtain a reference from another recognised health institution such as the Ministry of Health or a Hospice and palliative care programme.
  • Proof of employment with the organization of the person responsible for the project.
  • Proof of registration of the person responsible with the relevant professional body/council such as the Medical Association where applicable.
  • A copy of a valid work permit if the responsible person is not a national.
  • Current audited accounts. In the absence of current audited accounts, an explanation should be provided of why this is not possible and an annual statement of income and expenditure should be provided.
  • Detailed project budget using the attached template. (The budget should be provided both in the local currency and  GBP currency)
  • Completed training sheet for activities involving trainings using the attached template.
  • A minimum of 2 quotes for proposed equipment purchases if applicable indicating the preferred quote and reasons for this.
  • A copy of the organisation structure (if available) if not, a summary list of staff positions in the organisation indicating number of people per position.
  • Curriculum vitae (Cvs) of the key institutional contact, the person responsible for project coordination and for the person responsible for finance management of the project.
Please note that we receive a large number of applications and some applications will therefore be unsuccessful. We will endeavour to communicate to all applicants within two months of the closing date.

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