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Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme Last date 2nd May 2017

Funds for International ngos

Activities: Others

Call for proposals EACEA/05/2017 Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme

Please read carefully the Call for proposals guidelines before filling in the application form.

What's new in the 2nd Call for Proposals English

Please note that only the English version of the official documents of this Call for proposals is legally binding.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS GUIDELINES, Annex 1: Application package: eForm and its annexes (please find them in the tabs "Eforms" and "Annexes" in the left menu)

CALL FOR PROPOSALS GUIDELINES, Annex 2: Model Grant Agreement EnglishEnglish

Please note that all Grant Agreements will be singed in English. The French version of the Grant Agreement is available for information purposes only

Applications must be submitted in accordance with the admissibility requirements set out under Section 5 and by the deadline set out under Section 3 of the Call for proposals Guidelines. Please also consult the submission procedures in Section 14 of the Call for proposals Guidelines.

Registration in the Participant Portal 

Before submitting an electronic application, applicants and partners will have to register their organisation in the Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). The PIC will be requested in the application form.  Information on how to register can be found in the portal under the following address:

Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions are available on the Participant Portal.

To access the Participants’ portal, you will need your EULogin username and password. If you already have an EULogin account, you may use this, if not, create an EU Login account.

Please note that a number of African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) already have their PIC validated. Applicants are invited to check whether they and their partners already have this code before creating a new one in order to avoid duplicates and delays at subsequent stages.

Submission of the grant application

Applications must be submitted on-line using the application electronic form (eForm), duly completed and accompanied by its mandatory annexes.

To access the eForm and the eForm user guide, please click on the tab "Eforms" on the left menu.

To access the templates of the eForm mandatory annexes, please click on the tab "Annexes" on the left menu.

The eForm must be downloaded and saved on a local disk. It must be filled-in and submitted on-line before the official submission deadline. Don’t forget to also complete and enclose the compulsory annexes to the eForm. Once you have completed the eForm and the annexes, validate it. This triggers an automatic check that informs you if your application form is complete. If it is, you can submit it online. When you have submitted your application online, you should receive a confirmation email and reference number. If not, contact the helpdesk.

Applications must be submitted no later than 02 May 2017 at 12:00 (noon) Central European Time (CET). After this time the on-line application system will be closed. 

Only the on-line submission of the eForm and its annexes will be considered as the formal valid application. In addition, applicants must send by e-mail a copy of their submitted application (PDF eForm and the annexes) by the same deadline, clearly indicating the project registration number received when submitting the eForm, to the following mailbox: Application submitted by e-mail only will not be accepted. 
For further details visit the link below:

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