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International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

International Centre for  Integrated Mountain Development


ICIMOD’s nodal partners are mainly government agencies from the RMCs who represent their member countries on ICIMOD’s Board of Governors. ICIMOD’s strategic partners are those who share the same goals and same objectives as the Centre and who have a long-term commitment to ICIMOD, which may be contractual or simply professional. They exist independent of the Centre and have either similar (or ideally) complementary core competences. Strategic partners include financial partners, INGOs, NGOs, CBOs, private sector or government organisations. Of particular importance are international centres of excellence who can cooperate on a policy level, who can help on a practical level (to customise international knowledge and know-how), and who can promote ICIMOD’s agenda to the outside. The ICIMOD’s Support Group (ISG), its Independent Board Members, and its nodal partners are also strategic partners.

ICIMOD also needs partners for the practical operationalisation of projects, these are its cooperation partners. They have the same or similar objectives as ICIMOD on the operational level. They help ICIMOD to operationalise projects through contractual arrangements which are usually jointly funded. The partnership is limited in time and extent; but on completion of the contract it may continue informally in the form of exchange of information and networking. ICIMOD’s advocacy partners are groups who lobby for causes of common interest to the Centre (like mountain development) on their own initiative. ICIMOD supports these groups who typically consist of local authorities, NGOs, and CBOs by providing them with information and by participating with them in networks thus enabling them to increase awareness among the general public and policy makers. The relationship with ICIMOD is characterised by information and knowledge sharing one without a formal commitment on either side. ICIMOD identifies research centres and universities as knowledge partners which can help it to promote the mountain agenda. Such cooperations create synergies, and increase the capacity for data analysis and synthesis; they can assist ICIMOD in capacity development, knowledge dissemination, and international exchange and networking. ICIMOD’s development partners support the Centre because they have a strong belief in and commitment to the mountain agenda and they value the goals that ICIMOD strives to achieve in the HKH region. ICIMOD’s financial partners are partners who contribute financially to the Centre. Ideally, financial partners, are both strategic and development partners.  For further information please visit:

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