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Alexia Foundation - Entry Rules

Activities: Women/Gender

Entry Rules for Participation:


1. The Alexia Foundation contest is open to student and professional photographers.

2. All entries must include the personal and academic/professional details of the participants in the resume, as well as a full specification of all digitally submitted images in the form of all required metadata.

3. Before you will be able to enter the contest, you must accept the entry rules and the declaration.

4. All applicants acknowledge and agree that effective with the awarding of each Alexia Grant, the Foundation shall have a perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free license to copy, publish, distribute and display, in any medium and in any publication, venue or program sponsored or authorized by the Foundation for the advancement of its mission and goals, any and all photographs submitted with each winning application. Each applicant warrants and represents that every photograph submitted with such applicant's Alexia Grant entry is his/her own original work and that he/she has the unrestricted right to grant to the Foundation the license described below.

5. The photographer grants the Alexia Foundation permission to use material submitted in the contest and selected by the jury indefinitely and without any remuneration being due, in its online archive showcasing the results of previous contests.

6. Recipients of any awards agree that credit to the Alexia Foundation be given on publication of the funded works. Alexia Grant recipients are obligated to provide to the Alexia Foundation their picture essay in the form of (2) two CD’s (or DVD’s) of high-resolution digital files (min. 300 dpi) of no fewer than 60 images, along with your personal selection of no more than 20 clearly marked and captioned images. These 20 images should also be submitted digitally to The Alexia Foundation. This must be completed and sent to the Alexia Foundation by March 1st, of 2015. More time can be arranged to finish the project if that is necessary to enable successful completion. Please contact Mike Davis at 315-443-7388 or by e-mail at by December 1st for an extension. Send completed work to Alexia Foundation, Syracuse University Newhouse School, 215 University Place, Syracuse, NY 13244-2100.

7. The photographer guarantees that to the best of his/her knowledge no third party can claim rights or raise objections to publication/reproduction/distribution of the material submitted.

General rules

8. Picture stories must contain no less than 6 and no more than 20 images. Portfolios of more than 20 images will not be accepted.

9. Images can only be entered once, either as a single image or as part of a picture story. Images submitted more than once will not be accepted.

Material specifications

10. Digital images must meet the following specifications:
• Each image should be formatted as medium-quality JPEG images at no more than 2000x1500 pixels for landscape, or 1500x2000 pixels for verticals (72dpi preferred).
• Each image must have a caption. We read captions from file info, or you can insert captions during the entry process.
• An embedded ICC profile is required. AdobeRGB or sRGB is recommended for color images, Gamma 2.2 for black and white. No CMYK.

11. All required image information, such as the creation date, place and country as well as the caption/description, must be included in the metadata of the image files or typed in manually.

12. The content of the image must not be altered. Only retouching which conforms to currently accepted standards in the industry is allowed. The jury is the ultimate arbiter of these standards and may at its discretion request the original, unretouched file as recorded by the camera or an untoned scan of the negative or slide.

Submission of entries

14. Images can be uploaded as .jpg files.

15. The closing date for the 2014 Women's Initiative Grant is 5 p.m. EST on June 30. 

16. All winners will be contacted immediately after the results of the contest have been decided.

17. The conditions set out in the entry rules and in the declaration are binding.

18. The Alexia Foundation expects all participants to act in accordance with the guidelines of professional conduct as laid down in the Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists of the International Federation of Journalists. See:
Questions?: If you are uncertain about any of these requirements, please contact Alexia Chair Mike Davis at 315-443-7388 or by e-mail at

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