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Request for Proposals - Literature Review - Saving New Born Lives

Activities: Others

Request for Proposals from Save the Children on "Literature Review and Secondary Data Analysis: Synthesizing evidence on urban maternal and newborn health models in India
Last date to Apply: 30/04/2014
InvitationSaving Newborn Lives (SNL) program of Save the Children, in its third phase (2013-2017) is working through active collaborations and strategic partnerships in India to develop, apply and document successful implementation approaches to achieve effective coverage at scale. The key objectives are to provide state-of-the-art technical assistance and support generation of evidence on effective strategies and actions for scaling up evidence-based programs. SNL at this juncture considers it an opportunity to contribute to evidence of the landscape of Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) to provide knowledge for scaling up MNH innovations amongst the urban poor. Accordingly, SNL plans to undertake a literature review and secondary data analysis in order to synthesize quality evidence on urban maternal and newborn health care models in India and identify opportunities and gaps in health system, factors affecting programming and service delivery and potential strategies to address specific Maternal and Newborn Health care needs of the urban poor.
The Application should be addressed to Dr. Benazir Patil, Advisor, Urban Health, Saving Newborn Lives, Save the Children, New Delhi via e-mail by April 30, 2014 (by 5 PM IST). The subject line of the e-mail should read – “Application for Literature Review and Secondary Data Analysis – Synthesizing evidence on Urban Maternal and Newborn health models in India” - the e-mail addressed to
The following document is required to be enclosed as a part of the application:
Brief proposal outlining how the organization would go about undertaking this work in line with the objectives and deliverables outlined in the terms of reference. Proposal should be no longer than six pages inclusive of a draft work plan, deliverables, timeline and a tentative budget.
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