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Funds for NGOs - Small Scale Projects in the Field of Development Co-operation Pg-2.. Guidelines

Activities: Others

Funds for NGOs.. continued from pg-1

General Guidelines for Application:

•The implementing agency must be an experienced, qualified and reliable organisation, preferably a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the Societies Registration Act, FCRA, 80G and 12 (1) of Indian Income tax act or a religious institution.

•Project proposals have to be accompanied by at least 3 competitive quotations/ cost estimates (in Rupees) for each item to be purchased /constructed from the grant.

•Incomplete applications (i.e. lacking detailed description of the project, lacking compulsory cost quotations etc.) are not considered competitive and canl therefore not be taken into account.

•Projects must be implemented without delay after conclusion of the allocation agreement and are to be finalised until end of the same year.

•The implementing agency does also have to contribute financially to the project and has to be in a position to finance all upcoming follow-up/ running costs for a period of at least 2 years.

•Overhead costs (personnel, administrative and other running costs) of the  implementing agency or the project itself cannot be supported.

•Under German law it is not possible to finance a project which is
co-sponsored by any other organisation, that already receives contributions from the German Federal Budget (e.g. European Union, United Nations etc.).

Procedure: Project proposals should be submitted to this Embassy in the last quarter of the year, however before 31st December, in order to be considered for possible funding in the following project year. For this purpose, application forms can be downloaded through the following link:  Download Applicaion Form[msword,23.5k] 

Eligible projects will usually be selected for promotion towards the end of the first quarter of the year, with regard to the focal areas of development cooperation like sustainability, feasibility and maximum benefit for dis-advantaged women and children of society.

During the selection process project officers of this Embassy will contact the relevant NGOs for a field visit. Please note that such field visits do not automatically result in sanctioning of the project proposal.

After a decision in favour of a project, an allocation agreement will have to be concluded and signed between German Embassy and the implementing agency/NGO. Therefore usually a meeting at the Embassy will be arranged.

Disbursement of funds will not take place before major project contents have been realised. Further more, funds can only be released upon presentation of original invoices.

The implementing agency is further required to submit a final report on the project and its impacts on the beneficiaries, as well as a breakdown of expenses immediately after conclusion of the project.

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