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Funds for NGOs - Small Scale Projects in the Field of Development Co-operation

Activities: Others

Funds for NGOs 

The German Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India operate a programme which enables them to provide direct financial assistance to Indian NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society. This programme is funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin and is implemented through German Diplomatic and Consular Missions abroad.

The German Embassy in New Delhi annually disposes of a fixed budget for the support of small, but self-contained projects, located in the Embassy's juris-diction, which consists of: Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, New Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand.

For projects in other states of India, the German Consulates in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata or Mumbai would be the competent offices to contact.

Scope:In 2014 special preference will again be given to projects with a focus on empowerment of women and girls.

Suitable projects can come from any sectors of poverty reduction, public health & sanitation improvement, income generation, basic education or else, provided that women’s/girls’ lives in the project area would tangibly improve through the project.
Furthermore a sustainability of at least 2 years after implementation of the project should be given.

Just a few examples of such projects that have been realised out of this fund in the past:
•tubewells for drinking water for poor tribal community
•toilets for slum population
•improvement of medical facilities for underprivileged communities, especially for maternal health and well-baby programmes
•school furniture and equipment for rural, non formal girls’ schools
•installation of solar lantern charging stations for rural women self help groups, etc.

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