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Resilence Innovations Challenge Grants - Last date 30 Jan 2015

Activities: Others


Last date 30th January 2015

Are you working towards strengthening the resilience of target communities by building their agency to promote life and entrepreneurship skills, diversify to profitable enterprises, and improve farming skills while taking more control of the agricultural value chain in ways that are sustainable and expand financial inclusion? Then the ResilientAfrica Network (RAN) Resilience Innovation Challenge 4 Food Security and Improved Income Generation (RIC4FIG) grants are for you. Submit your concept note now! The call runs from December 1, 2014 to January 30, 2015 at exactly 5:00pm CAT.

The Southern Africa RILab will identify and fund projects in three priority intervention pathways for resilience building around improved life and entrepreneurship skills, diversified local economy for resilience and transformed agricultural practices and markets for resilience.

Grant Amounts range from US$ 15,000 to US$ 35,000 in Phase 1, US$35,000 to US$ 65,000 for Phase 2 and US$ 75,000 to US$ 125,000 in Phase 3.

The grants will support development of innovative approaches and technologies for;

1. Promoting life, entrepreneurship skills and developing contextually responsive models for launching highly profitable businesses that would reduce vulnerability to food insecurity and promote opportunities for income generation taking account of specific contexts in target communities in South Africa and Malawi.

2. Developing low cost environmentally friendly approaches and technologies to increase agricultural yield per acreage.

3. Developing models or approaches for agricultural markets of the future that promote new types of networks and distribution methods to catalyse enterprise and narrow the gap from farm to market.

Grant Application Process  


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