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Innovative Small Grants Program

Funds for NGOs
Deadline 30 April 2105

Activities: Others

Child Health Foundation calls for Proposals for its Innovative Small Grants Proram.

Letter of Intent:Before we will consider a grant proposal for funding, we need to receive a one-page "letter of intent" which describes the project that you will be proposing. It need not be in great detail, but it should indicate the "innovative" nature of your work, that is, new approaches to prevention or treatment in your community. (Please see the definition of "innovative" below.) Please send it by e-mail or regular mail (email preferred) before the specified deadline for the letter of intent in the information below. We will let you know when we have received your letter; if you don't hear from us, please send a query. After reviewing it, we will notify you as to whether we will accept a full proposal. Please do not send a proposal until we ask you to do so. We will not consider proposals unless they have been requested. The information for making the full proposal is given below.

Background:New biomedical and social technologies have led to the development or successful application of products and approaches that can be used globally. These products and innovative approaches have brought dramatic improvements in infant and child health over the past 50 years. For example, research studies led to the development of oral rehydration therapy (ORT) for diarrhea in the 1960's in Bangladesh and India. This therapy has saved millions of lives in the developing world every year and more recent studies have demonstrated that ORT can be effectively applied in any country in the world, including the U.S. The Child Health Foundation has supported innovative approaches to adapting ORT to the health care and social situations in the U.S. and abroad. Small innovative projects can make a major impact on child health in diverse settings, and show concerned health workers, community organizations and/or government policy-makers that answers to some persistent health problems are available.

Child Health Foundation wishes to receive proposals from interested health workers, investigators, or community organizations for innovative research or innovative service projects directed at improving the health of infants, children, and pregnant women. Proposals may be submitted by individuals (with organizational support) or groups.

Areas of priority include:
   development of sustainable biomedical and social technologies; and 
  adaptation and implementation of technologies in local situations that may have widespread applications.

We will give highest priority to projects on malnutrition, enteric diseases (water and sanitation), and respiratory diseases.

Projects that involve only general medical care of children but without innovative aspects will not be considered. To see a summary of projects Child Health Foundation has funded, see our website.

The projects should be done within one year and should be able to document measurable results. The projects may address child health issues in a developing country or in the United States. Budgets should not exceed US$5,000. The projects will be reviewed by the Program Committee of the Child Health Foundation. Outside reviewers will be used if necessary. The number of projects approved depends on the amount of funding available. For example, in 2014, we were able to fund only nine proposals, although there were many others of high quality.

Deadline for Letter of Intent in 2015 is 30 April 2015; The 2015 Deadline for the Proposal is August 31st. You will hear by mid-November if your proposal has been accepted or rejected.

Proposal Format (Format is for proposal only, not letter of intent)
NOTE: The project proposal should not exceed 5 single-spaced, typed pages. Proposals not sent in this 5-page format will not be considered. To save time and money for yourselves and us, please do not include certificates of registration, recommendations, annual reports, or photos until they are requested. Your five pages are enough and can be sent by post or email. Email is preferred and is enough. If you do not hear from us that we have received it, please contact us.

Cover page must include: (1 page)

Name and address of organization
Name of director and contact person(s), telephone and e-mail addresses
One paragraph summarizing the mission of the organization
One paragraph stating the purpose of the grant request, and how it relates to the mission of the organization
Total dollar amount of the organization's annual budget
Total dollar amount of the proposed project's budget
Total dollar amount being requested from Child Health Foundation for the project
Total dollar amount committed from other funding sources for the project
Beginning and ending dates of the project (not to exceed one year)
Project narrative: (2-3 pages)
All of the following points must be presented and discussed:

Background of the project and why it is needed
Aims /objectives of the project, what the project will achieve
Methods to be used and what procedures will keep it on track
Plan of analysis of the data
Plan for making results available to appropriate health agencies
Budget: (1 page)

Detailed categories and justification of how funds will be used
Amount requested must not exceed $5,000
Funds may not be used for international travel, computers, secretarial support, or overhead
Scheduled disbursement of funds to successful proposals:
US$4,000 at start of project;
US$1,000 upon receipt of interim report which includes itemized spent funds.
Please send proposals to:

Child Health Foundation
110 East Ridgely Road, 
Timonium, MD 21093 USA Additional inquiries may be directed to:
Tel: +1-410-992-5512
Please include your country's name on all correspondence.
For further information and also to check the dead line you can contact on the above email

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