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Ambuja Cement Foundation

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Education,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,Disaster Management,Water/Climate,Welfare,Others

The Ambuja Cement Foundation is the Corporate Social Responsibility wing of Ambuja Cements Ltd. that works with the rural communities surrounding Ambuja’s manufacturing sites. The Foundation is engaged in a variety of people-centric, integrated rural development projects.

Since inception, the Foundation has expanded its reach and diversified its programmes to include as many members of its stakeholder group as possible. While working with the participation
of the people, ACF has held its mission statement central 
to all its operations.

Presently the Foundation has made its presence felt in ten states across the country and is engaged in programmes like Natural Resource Management, agricultural development and improvement of health status, educational support and economic enhancement.


Focus Areas: 

Water Resources Management


Health Care


Disaster Relief

Women's Issues

For further detailed information visit the following link  

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