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Scheme for Welfare of Working Children in Need of Care and Protection

Activities: Children,Others


Scheme for Welfare of Working Children in Need of Care and Protection




Provision of opportunities including non-formal education, vocational training, etc,

to working children to facilitate their entry/re-entry into mainstream education in cases where they have either not attended any learning system or where for some reasons their

education has been discontinued with a view to preventing their continued or future exploitation.


Target Group:


The programme will lend support to projects in urban areas, not already being covered bythe existing schemes of the Ministry of Labour, which provide support for the wholesome development of child workers and potential child workers especially those who have none or ineffective family support such as children of slum/pavement dwellers/drug addicts, children living on railway platforms/ along railway lines, children working in shops, dhabas, mechanic shops etc., children engaged as domestic workers, children whose parents are in jail,children of migrant labourers/sex workers, leprosy patients etc.


Programme Component:


The programme will focus on measures such as


 [a] facilitating introduction to/return to the mainstream education system as children at study are not children at work,

 [b] counselingto parents, heads of families, relatives of the targeted children so as to prevent their exploitation, and

 [c] give vocational training wherever necessary.


The programme will be implemented through composite centre for providing any/all activities as indicated above. ( Pattern of assistance at Annexure -I)


Eligibility for Assistance.


Non-Governmental Organisations meeting the following requirements are eligible for assistance under this programme:


[a] It is a registered body under an appropriate Act for at least two years so that it gets a corporate status and a legal personality and a group liability is for its activities.


[b] It has an appropriate administrative structure and a duly constituted managing/executive committee.


[c] The aims and objects of the organisation’s Memorandum of Association should include the basic objective of this scheme, viz., the welfare of child; and


[d] The organization is initiated and governed by its own members on democratic principles, without any external control.


[e] The organization shall not run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals and shall take an undertaking to submit periodically and punctually reports and returns as prescribed from time to time by the Government (Ministry of Women and Child Development)


For further details about the scheme click on the following link  source:  


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