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WEP CEO Leadership Awards Eligibility Criteria

Funds for NGOs Last date 22 May 2015

Activities: Others

Who is eligible to apply?
Nominations are open to companies who meet the following criteria:
1. CEOs (present or past) who have signed or intend to sign the WEPs CEO Statement of Support by 30 October 2015; and
2. Companies that are participants of the United Nations Global Compact or
intend to become participants within the next six months.
See the WEPs website on How to Sign and the UN Global Compact website on How to Participate.

How is a CEO nominated? What is the deadline?
The WEPs CEO Leadership Award Nomination form is available on the WEPs website. The form must be completed and returned by 30 October 2015. Nominations and the accompanying documentation must come from within the company of the CEO nominated. Please limit the supporting documents to no more than five.

All companies submitting a nomination for the 2016 WEPs CEO Leadership Award will receive an email confirming that their submission has been received.

What are the criteria for the WEPs CEO Leadership Award?
The review and assessment process uses a set of detailed criteria and seeks to shine a light on outstanding and innovative initiatives, within the company’s context, taken by a CEO to advance and implement the 7 WEPs Principles and achieve gender equality. Whether nominations address all 7 Principles or go into depth into one Principle is up to the applicant,
but all nominations should provide details on specific actions spearheaded by the CEO thatresulted in concrete sustainable initiatives with measurable impact. Nominations shouldinclude sufficient detailed information accompanied by company documents or reports that support the information provided in the nomination.

Where and when will the WEPs CEO Leadership Award be given?

The WEPs CEO Leadership Award will be presented at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City at a highly publicized ceremony within the Women’s Empowerment Principles Annual Event, in observance of International Women’s Day March 2016 (date to be announced by September 2015). The awards ceremony, which is web-streamed around the world, offers the CEO award recipient a unique platform to highlight the company’s commitment and achievement to the Women’s Empowerment Principles. Please Note: Award recipients are expected to participate at the ceremony. The WEPs Team will work with company representatives to facilitate arrangements and logistics.


For more info click here:

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