NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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EFN Reforestation Grants Application Process

Activities: Forest & Environment

The online Application Process - EFN requires all applicants to complete an online application and provide a clear and compelling proposal that must include:

  • A summary of the organization’s work to date and major accomplishments
  • An overview of the need for the reforestation project including conservation objectives and other related project goals
  • An explanation of how this reforestation project fits in with other conservation projects in the area, specifically WWF projects
  • A description of the reforestation site with photos of the proposed site
  • A detailed description of the proposed reforestation activity including: expected number of trees to be planted and hectares to be restored, tree species selected and why (please include Latin name and climate adaptability of the species selected), how climate projections are being taken into account in the research, stakeholder participation, long term tree stewardship/maintenance plans, expected conservation gains
  • A detailed description about the training program – Describe how it is building skills and knowledge of local stakeholders to advance conservation
  • A project timeline
  • Expected outcomes including: short-term (6 months – 1 year) and long-term expectations (1+ years)
  • Method of evaluation – Describe how you will measure the expected outcomes (i.e. surveys, monitoring, survival rate of planted trees)
  • A CV for the main trainer and attach a brief biography for the other trainers
  • A detailed project budget (not exceeding USD$10,000)

Please CLICK HERE to complete an application.

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