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Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations

Activities: Others

The Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations focuses its funding on four issue areas:

Accountability and Transparency
Policy Debate and Dialogue
Human Rights
Citizen Security
Guidelines:To apply for a grant from the program, please send a one- to two-page letter of inquiry to Your letter should include a paragraph about your organization and its mission, a description of the project, including a brief summary of the main objectives and proposed strategies of the project, the total amount of support being sought for the project, and the proposed duration of the project.

The Latin America Program makes every effort to review letters of inquiry within six weeks. If you have not received a response from us after that time, please assume that your letter of inquiry is not being considered. Only those inquiries that staff members consider will receive a response. Please note that the program rarely funds unsolicited proposals.

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